Thursday, September 29, 2005


One of the other notions floating around is that guys who are 'gun nuts' are considered 'Neanderthals'. That they have no place in a 'civilized' society. The interesting part about this is that those who think this way cannot back it up with FACT. The FACTS show that of the countries in Europe that do allow their people to be armed. Their crime rates, including murder, rape, robbery and so on, are about NIL. And we are talking 'old world' here. These people have been upright on both hind feet for thousands of years! Where do these gun-haters, (Nazi's), come up with these ideas? It seems they just pull them out of the air in that 'great swirling trash can' in their mind.
If their assumption is true, then that would make some of our best leaders we've had 'Neanderthals'. Thomas Jefferson was a 'certified' gun nut. The following statement bears out just how much so; A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks. - Thomas Jefferson, 1785. Teddy Roosevelt was also a 'BIG' gun nut. These were men that 'put their money where their mouth was' and had 'true grit'. And, if not for these men and others like them, this country might have had a very different future!
My thinking is that those who are trying to take away our guns are cowards. They want to be able to carry out whatever selfish, self-serving plan that makes them more powerful, (and weakens us). Without the fear of repercussion for their illegal and unconstitutional actions. They that are doing evil are the most fearful of retribution. If the tools for retribution are removed - there is no fear, but rather - boldness and tyranny! It seems apparent that this has been going on for quite some time as well. Since around the Civil War. Many in our government have been on a control-freak mind-set trying to seize and maintain as much power as possible. This is a slap in the face to what our founding fathers had envisioned for this country! They ALWAYS, in every word written or discussed, believed that the POWER should remain in the hands of the People. And to be able to deal effectively with tyrants the people must be at all times be ARMED and ready to respond. I DARE AND INVITE ANY POLITICIAN OR JUDGE TO DISPUTE THIS WITH ME! If they can prove me wrong I will stop this blog, and my website, and never be heard from again.

This power trip that many in our government is on is dangerous, devilish and evil. It is the work of lazy, over-educated, selfish, high-minded and perverted cowards! I feel sorry for the good people that work in our government. Their life must be a living hell! But, thank God there are some in government that are not corrupted and useless!
One last the citizens, politicians and government officials that are subverting and perverting our rights. There will come a day, whether in this life or the next, where you WILL answer for what you are doing! God will not be mocked! As a man sows, so shall he reap!

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