Saturday, October 15, 2005

Something happened today....

Was at a Gun Show all day and it was crowded. One thing I like about the shows is the opportunity of meeting and talking with ALL TYPES of people. The conversations at this show saddened and sickened me however. There are A LOT of elderly Veterans who come to the shows. I especially like speaking with them because of their experiences. And because often what they have to say has REAL credibility. These are guys who have SEEN the results of rabid gun-banners and have FOUGHT them in armed combat. These are the guys that helped make this country great! They sacrificed for their country and families. They are HARD working, steady and as a general rule fearless individuals.

Almost ALL of the conversations I participated in today, involved the State of our Nation. Many of these guys are either buying or thinking hard about buying semi-automatic, military style guns. And the reason for doing so is that they are AFRAID of our government! I could see the fear in their eyes. These are guys who took ACTION, instead of just talking, (like the majority of our 'supposed' public servant blowhards). And now, after they put their life on the line for this country, they are afraid of the very government they served. This is despicable! It creates in me a seething hatred for this evil, corrupt and hypocritical government. And the twisted individuals, who are supposed to be serving the people, that work in it.

Both of my grandfathers served in World War II. One was a Naval pilot and the other was in the Army. The one that was in the Army was captured by the Nazis'. He was placed in a P.O.W. camp that was near one of the extermination centers. Before he went over to Europe he was a strong man with plenty of drive and ambition. When he returned he was just a 'wisp' of his former self. He saw and smelt the results of what the Nazis were doing to those deemed as 'undesirable'. What he went through has stayed with me my whole life. And he knew that all that horror had started with corrupt governments and gun confiscations. As do most all the Veterans from World War II, Korea and Vietnam. That is why almost every single last one of them I know are armed! Mostly with M-1 Garands, M-1 Carbines, shotguns or 1911 pistols.
But now they recognize that, although the aforementioned are good guns, they hardly are a match against today's high capacity weapons.

The mere fact that actions by our government have caused them to think this way is very saddening indeed!

And it is not just veterans that are saying that things are really 'screwed up'. I hear the same sentiment from law enforcement officers, people in the military and other types of government employees. They are all strained because of the pressures placed on them by a corrupt and perverse government/legal system! That is why I don't look at all government employees as being corrupted. It is mainly the politicians, lawyers, judges and bureaucrats running the system. The system has been perverted to such an extent that it appears beyond repair. And the apathy of the general public makes it even worse for them. There doesn't appear to be anyone of 'high moral character' standing up and addressing the real issues. And getting our government back in touch with reality.

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