Sunday, October 16, 2005

There MUST be some type of misunderstanding going on here....

I used to not care as to understanding the workings of our government, for the most part, for much of my life. Mostly because of the contentious nature of the subject and the arguments that would arise over it. Had to listen to countless hours of it growing up. Learned about what our government was supposed to be while going to school. But the hypocrisy and the feeling of being powerless to do anything about it turned me off.

Then something changed in me. When it started to occur to me that if most of our population has the same attitude, we are screwed! Because the government will take as much power as it can possibly get away with! And absolute power does corrupt absolutely! Now, I've found my 'voice' and am starting to speak out about the injustices I've seen and continue to see.

What seems apparent to me is that the government seemingly thinks that it is in charge. When I read the writings surrounding the Constitution, Bill of Rights and those of our founders. I find that what is happening today, in this government, is not what was intended by our founders! The government is supposed to consist of public servants. Not dictators or rulers! It is NOT to be a seat of power and high honor. They are SERVANTS!

The people were the ones that were to have the power and the final say! The workings of the system of government was to be constrained by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is quite evident that this is NOT the case.

USA does not stand for United Socialist Amalgamated!

Somehow or another our supposed representatives came up with the thought that they know better than we do. And that we need controlled and legally stifled because of our ignorance! Deal with ANY local, state or federal official and tell me that is NOT how they come across! The way our laws have been twisted by them PROVE it is exactly what they intended to do! They have, in their mind anyways, legally and economically enslaved us! Hence, they are, (again, in their mind), our masters! Of whom we must be obedient or face the consequences.

What our founders intended was that the people are the ones with the power. And that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were set as guidelines. We are their BOSS, we tell them not only what to do, but how they are going to do it! We pay for their salaries and everything else that government entails. IT IS OURS - THE PEOPLES, not theirs. They are servants! The final word was always meant to come from the people! And, if necessary, we were to bear arms to MAKE them listen! And the ones presently in our government know this. Hence the reason for the perversion and twisting of our laws to suit their purposes. And the repeated attempts to disarm us!

And it is high time that these 'supposed' representatives, (servants), had an employee review! (Which is supposed to be the purpose of the vote!). In my opinion they all have unsatisfactory ratings and therefore should be dismissed! For none stand up and tell their colleagues that "You can't do that! It is against the law, the Constitution and Bill of Rights!" They are ALL guilty of perverting and subverting our laws! Whether by act of commission or of omission! We need to be rid of every single last one. Give them a crystal clear understanding of just who is in power! And replace them with people that understand WHO they are supposed to be serving. People that will ALWAYS bear in mind the Constitution and Bill of Rights! This should apply to the judicial branch as well, since their memory is so hazy!

These SERVANTS should receive the median wages and benefits as the people that they serve earn. WE give them raises, if the job is well done. They should not be allowed to vote themselves raises. We the people need to DEMAND accountability! And if a servant is caught taking a bribe to influence their vote, (which is supposed to be the will of the people that they represent), they are imprisoned - period! For there are not supposed to be any 'special interests' only the interest of the people!

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