Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Total and complete IGNORANCE defined....

The following is an excerpt from a Washington Post Editorial:
NOT SATISFIED to be a Republican congressman from Indiana, Rep. Mark Edward Souder also enjoys assuming the role of D.C. Council member, a role in which he -- with guidance from the National Rifle Association -- can try to decide which laws should be on the District's books......
....But Mr. Souder is as ready to ignore evidence as he is to undermine local democracy. Congress should not go along.

First of all, 'genius', we are A REPUBLIC - not a democracy, whether it's 'local' or not!
This is in our NATIONS CAPITOL! Have we lost sight of the ORIGINAL INTENT of our Founders to the extent where a 'supposedly respected' publication can spout such garbage? Have they completely forgotten the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Not to mention the HORRENDOUS CRIME RATES IN D.C. SINCE their BAN was ENACTED? Is this editor in full possession of his/her mental facilities? Sounds more like something that would have been spewed out by the Nazi propaganda machine of Joseph Goebels!

It is completely LUDICROUS that this is happening in such close proximity to where Liberty and Freedom began! DOES ANYONE REMEMBER A LITTLE 'TIDBIT' CALLED THE SECOND AMENDMENT? How can it POSSIBLY be IGNORED?

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