Sunday, May 27, 2007

John M. Read to Abraham Lincoln, "Purchases of fire arms have been made there by suspicious people", July 16 1863

...In the first congressional District, we have a mixed population hating each other most bitterly. It includes Irish and colored people, it being the principle residence of the latter. It includes also a very vicious and dangerous class of our citizens. Purchases of fire arms have been made there by suspicious people, and the ordinary talk is they are preparing for a riot. This District was the scene of the bloody riots of 1844. We have not a single armed soldier in it, and I believe not a piece of artillery for I do not count the Navy Yard which will have enough to do to protect itself....

Let's see now, right in the middle of a Civil War and “suspicious people” are purchasing “fire arms”? Interesting, is it not? How could that possibly happen, unless those “suspicious people” had a right to purchase “fire arms”? Obviously the words "shall NOT be infringed" still meant something back then....

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