Sunday, April 21, 2013

"...will be the fear of God before their eyes..."

"Their own personal reputation, with the eyes of all the world on them,—the approbation of their fellow citizens, which every man in public station naturally wishes to enjoy,—and the dread of censure and shame, all contribute very forceable and strong inducements to noble, upright and worthy beavior.

"The particular interest which every member of Congress has in every pubic order and resolution, is another strong motive to right action. For every act to which any member gives his sanction, if it be raising an army, levying a tax, instituting a court, or any other act to bind the States,—such act will equally bind himself, his nearest connections, and his posterity.

"Another mighty influence to the noblest principle of action will be the fear of God before their eyes; for while they sit in the place of God, to give law, justice, and right to the States, they must be monsters indeed if they do not regard his law, and imitate his character. . . ."

" . . . At any rate, the Congress can never get more power than the people will give, nor hold it any longer than they will permit; for should they assume tyrannical powers, and make incroachments on liberty without the consent of the people, they would soon attone for their temerity, with shame and disgrace, and probably with their heads."--Petetiah Webster, [Writing under the pseudonym "A Citizen of Philadelphia"], Webster, was a Philadelphia merchant, was a staunch patriot through-out the American Revolution. This item was a pamphlet printed in Philadelphia and advertised in the Pennsylvania Packet and other newspapers. The first twenty pages were reprinted in the New York Daily Advertiser. See DH, 14:63-74. [Friends of the Constitution Writings of the "Other" Federalists 1787-1788 Edited by Colleen A. Sheehan and Gary L. McDowell.]

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