Friday, July 05, 2013

"Here, sir, are our warrants for keeping and bearing arms, and by the blessing of God, we mean to do it"

The Hamilton Meeting.

10.000 Butternuts In Council




   The Democratic gathering at Hamilton, last Saturday, notwithstanding the unfavorable weather in the morning, was a great success. Thousands of patriotic men, and women too, from different parts of the State, and Indiana, and even Michigan were in attendance. At least ten thousand men were at the meeting, and if the weather had been favorable in the early part of the day, three times as many would have been there.

   The arrival of the different trains was announced by the thundering peals of cannon, and the visiting delegations escorted to the Court House by the various town-ship delegations from the county, with music, banners, flags and mottoes.

   About ten o'clock, the sun, hid all the morning behind threatening storm-clouds, broke from its prison, and shone forth an "brightly as the sun of Aunterlitz. The rest of the day was beautiful. The Court House yard was soon filled and jammed with people anxious to bear the great champions ot Constitutional Liberty.--Hon. C. L. Vallandigham first appeared upon the stand, and was greeted with continued round of applause that seemed to shake the very earth beneath them.--In the course of his remark Mr. V. commented earnestly upon the recent military order issued at Indianapolis, relating the habit of carrying

   I will not, said he, speak disrespectfully Col Carrington. He and I served pleasantly together in the militia of Ohio on the peace establishment [laughter,] end I found him always gentlemanly in his deportment. I am glad to learn that be is still so regarded at Indianapolis. How could he have issued such an order? I know he is "great" on general orders; but such a on passes my comprehension. I am sure he cannot want to do wrong, for he must know that two years hence under the legislation of the late Congress, a Democratic President or Secretary of War--and who knows but that I may be Secretary self? [Laughter and cheers] can strike his name from the roll without even a why or wherefore. It would be well for all ambitious military gentlemen just now to recollect this small fact, and confine themselves strictly to their legal and constitutional military duties, and to allow others to enjoy their opinions and civil rights unmolested. But to the order. Here it is.
 "Headquarters United States Forces,
  INDIANAPOLIS, IND., March 17, 1863.
           General Order No. 15.
  I. "The habit of carrying arms upon the person, has greatly increased"--
  Well so it has, and in times of threats and danger like these, it ought to and in spite of all "orders," it will increase--
  "And is prejudicial to peace and good order"--
  Sir. restore to us peace and good order, and we will lay aside all arms, and be glad be glad of the chance [Great applause]
  "As well as a violation of civil law"--
  I deny it; but, if so, who gave authority to this gentleman to lecture on civil law in a military order?--
  "Especially at this time, it is unnecessary,impolitic and dangerous."
  Was ever the like heard or read of before?
"At this time"--at a time when democrats are threatened with violence every where; when mobs ara happening every day and democratic presses destroyed, when secret societies are being formed all over the country to stimulate to violence; when at hotels and in depots and rail road cars and on the street corners, democrats are scowled at and menaced, a military order coolly announces that It is unnecessary, impolitic and dangerous to carry arms! And. who signs this order?
"Henry B. Carrington, Colonel 18th U.S. Infantry, Commanding"--
  Commanding what? The 18th U.S. Infantry, or at most the United States forces of Indiana--but not the people, the free white American citizens of American descent, not in the military service. That is the extent of his authority, and no more.
  And now, sir, I hold in my hand a general order also--an order binding on all military men and all civilians alike--on Colonels and Generals and Commanders-in-chief--State and Federal (applause ) Hear it:
  "The right of the people to KEEP AND BEAR arms, shall not be infringed."
  By order of the States and people of the United States, George Washington commanding. (Great cheering.) That, sir, is
General Order, No 1--the Constitution of the United States. (Loud cheers.) Who now is to be obeyed--Carrington or Washington?
  But I have another "order" yet.
  "The people have a right to bear arms for their defence and security, and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power." (Renewed cheering.)
  That, sir, is General Order, No. 2--the Constitution of Ohio, by order of the people of Ohio. Here, sir, are our warrants for keeping and bearing arms, and by the blessing of God, we mean to do it; and it the men in power undertake in an evil hour to demand them of us, we will return the Spartan answer, "Come and take them." [Molon Labe]
  But Colonel Carrington's order proceeds:
  "The Major General commanding the Department of the Ohio"--
  Commanding whom, again 1 ask? Only the military forces of the Department of the Ohio, but not a single citizen in it--
"having ordered that all sales of arms, powder, lead and percussion caps be prohibited until further orders."
  Where, sir, is the law for' all that? Are we a conquered province governed by a mili-proconsul? And so then it has come to this that the Constitution is now suspended by a military general order, No. 15! Sir, the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, carries with it the right to buy and sell arms; and fire arms are useless without powder, lead and percussion caps. It is our right to have them, and we mean to obey general orders Nos 1 and 2, instead of No. 15. [Loud applause.]
  But I read further: "and that any violation of said order will be followed by the confiscation of the goods sold and the seizure of the stock of the vender."
  Is the man deranged? Confiscation, indeed! Why, sir, the men who are clothed now with a little brief authority, seem to think of nothing except taxation, emancipation confiscation, conscription and every other word ending in t-i-o-n. [Laughter] But general order No. 1, says "No man shall be deprived of property without due process of law," and general order, No. 2, says "Private property shall ever be held inviolate, and every person for an injury done him in his land, goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law." And though the Write of habeas corpus may be suspended, the writ of replevin cannot be. [Cries of good, good.]
  But order number 15 proceeds: "And said order having been extended by the Major General to cover the entire department, is hereby promulged."
  Yes, promulged--"for immediate observance throughout the State."
Can military insolence go further? Is this the way the military is to be in strict subordination to lb civil power ? And does the Colonel commanding the 18th U.S. Infantry, thus undertake to "promulge" a general order suspending or abrogating the Constitution of the United States and of Indiana? Are we living in America or Austria?

- Dayton Daily Empire, Dayton, Ohio. Monday, March 23, 1863 Vol. XIV. No. 211. Pg. 2

Hard to believe that it was a 'democrat' rally, isn't it? My how times have changed....

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