Thursday, July 04, 2013

"that every man is a sovereign citizen having the right to bear arms"

                                                            The Plan of the People

"IN the United States our people have acted on a higher and better principle, that every man is a sovereign citizen having the right to bear arms, and that only a small percentage of the physical force is required in practical military service. Our principle has been to maintain only a small standing army, and to rely on the militia of the several States as a grand reserve that could be utilized, and within a short time efficiently organized for use in time of war. Yet all men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five could be made available in case of a serious war, such as the invasion of the country."

- Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, "The Most Efficient Army For Our Nation". [The Sunday Star No. 100.--No. 16,947. Washington. D.C., Sunday Morning. Febuary 17, 1907. Five Cents. Pg. 31]

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