Thursday, July 11, 2013

"The gangs of wretches who acknowledge no ruler but brute force, and no law but knives and gunpowder..."

   The New York papers complain sadly of the lawless condition of their city. The Times prefixes a long list of Sunday riots, fights, stabbing, and other outrages, with the following remarks:

   We understand that the demand for revolvers, bowie-knives, and other deadly weapons, has been steadily and rapidly on the increase for a few weeks past, until it has excited attention and remark from nearly all who observe the extensive business going on at the shops where such things are sold. Since the close of the Mexican war there has been no such demand for weapons in this city. The cause of this rush to the pistol marts is found in the notorious and disgraceful fact that there is no security for life and property in this city, except so far as one may be able to defend himself. The insane, demoniac spirits of Rowdyism and Rum rule the city. The gangs of wretches who acknowledge no ruler but brute force, and no law but knives and gunpowder, are completely masters in some parts of the town, and the magistracy and executive authority, down to tho most insignificant station-house door-keeper, stand in fear and trembling before these ruffians, submit to their demands for money, liberate them from prisons, hush up complaints against them, and act in just such a manner as the villains dictate.

- Lewisburg Chronicle, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn. Friday, June 18, 1852. Vol. IX.--No. 7. Whole No. 427. Pg. 2

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