Thursday, July 18, 2013

"to appeal, arms in hand, to the supreme law of self-preservation."

   Let conservative citizens who have truly at heart the preservation of the peace and the maintenance of law and order, form volunteer companies under this provision, and offer themselves for such service to the Governor. If that is the service which he wishes the militia to perform, he will not, having plenary discretion in the matter, hesitate to accept the offer, and to supply the companies "with proper arms and equipments," as provided in section five of the same bill. If the offer be rejected, then Conservatives would know what to expect. They could do no less than fall back on their constitutional right to "keep and bear arms," resolutely bent on peace, but prepared, in the last extremity, to appeal, arms in hand, to the supreme law of self-preservation. New Orleans Crescent.

- Public Ledger, Memphis, Tennessee. Tuesday Evening, August 04, 1868. Vol. VI. No. 131. Pg. 1.

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