Monday, July 29, 2013

Washington D.C.: "residents are stocking up with various types of firearms"


   Believing in the theory that the criminal can beat be met with his own weapon Washington residents are stocking up with various types of firearms, ranging from double-barreled shotguns to .22-caliber revolvers.

   The demand for revolvers is due to the protective measures being taken by District residents since the mad-man of the northwest began his attacks on Washington women.

   Eight Washington Business men who deal in firearms report an increase in the sale of revolvers.

   The .32-caliber automatic is the most popular, although .22-caliber revolvers are in demand among women customers. The .22-caliber revolver is said to be a comparatively ineffective weapon, unless fired at close range, and at a vital spot, but is more favored by the fair sex, because it hasn't the kick of a higher callbered weapon.
Makes "Scary" Report.

   Considering the noise it makes, the ,22-callber gun is effective in so far as its report would tend to instill a scare in any midnight terrorist who might invade the possessors' premises.

   Shotguns, while not as popular as revolvers are also in great demand, the dealers state. A shotgun, loaded with buckshot inflicts a terrible wound.

   The sale of ammunition, too, has increased. This is due probably to the fact that many Washingtonians own revolvers, but have neglected to furnish them with "food" until the prowls of the Capital terrorist made their immediate use seem more probable.

   The laws of the District make it incumbent upon the dealer in firearms to take the name, address and description of the person who buys a gun. This data is, at intervals, filed with the Police Department of the District.
Don't Need Permit.

   It is not necessary for District residents to secure a permit from police officials to keep a revolver or shotgun in their homes, so the exact number of Washingtonians who have purchased weapons since the madman staged his depredations. Is not known. Dealers estimate that the number is large.

If a District resident wishes to carry a revolver on his person, however, it is necessary for him to apply to a Judge of the Police Court and furnish reasons for his wish.

   Some increase In the number of permits for carrying revolvers is noted by the police officials, but the total is not large.
[The Washington Times, Washington [D.C.], Monday Evening, January 27, 1919. FINAL EDITION, Number 11,056 Pg. 2]

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