Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"and also in the wholesale purchase of firearms by the citizens"


Increasing Insolence of Blacks Causing Uneasiness In Certain Parts of the South.

   Washington. Reports from the south say a flourishing trade in firearms, and especially in revolvers, is enjoyed by hardware firms. Records are being broken in the purchase of pistols by white women and in the outskirts of towns there is constant practice.

   Considerable alarm is felt in several parts of the south on account of the insolence of negroes. A report from Raleigh, S.C. says recent hold-ups, highway robberies and housebreakings have resulted in the organization of state militia and also in the wholesale purchase of firearms by the citizens. Gun shops are working overtime repairing old firearms.

   It is understood the department of justice has a large number of agents operating in the south, and that the government is preparing for any emergency. Federal officials were said not to expect any serious difficulties.

[Mexico Missouri Message, Mexico, Missouri, Thursday, October 25, 1917. Volume 19. Number 3. Pg. 2]

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