Sunday, September 29, 2013

"People Arm Themselves as Result of Police Inefficiency"

People Arm Themselves as Result of Police Inefficiency.
   Columbus, 0., Feb. 9. Columbus is enjoying a reign of terror all of its own and citizens are arming themselves as protection against burglars and hold-up men, who operate in all sections of the city with apparent immunity from interference on the part of the local police. Within the past 30 days there have been in hold-ups, one of which resulted fatally to the victim, and 38 burglaries. in which there has not been a single arrest.
   Following criticism on the methods employed by the police department made by the local press, Chief Carter has established a strict censorship on all news at the city prison, and is upheld In his action by Mayor Marshall. As a result newspapers are obliged to obtain their news of a criminal nature from outside sources, which has raised a howl of protest from leading business men and citizens generally, who argue that the public is entitled to know just what the city guardians are doing to suppress the reign of lawlessness.
   National Guard officers stationed here are apprehensive over the turn of affairs, believing that the indiscriminate carrying of firearms by the citizens will result in a serious condition and may mean a possible riot and bloodshed.
[The Marion Daily Mirror, Marion, Ohio, Wednesday, February 09, 1910. Volume XVIII--Number 149 Pg. 3]

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