Monday, November 25, 2013

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed . . . set at naught by the Democratic party..."


   Mr. Fillmore, in his letter accepting the nomination, was the first to threaten disunion. He has been closely followed by Mr. Breckenridge, who, (the Pittsburgh Gazelle says,) went out of his way to declare that unless the Democratic ticket was elected, (and he made Vice President,) revolution would be a solemn duty. In this neighborhood, the small fry stumpers follow in the same track, and say to their hearers, you must elect our candidate, or the Union will be dissolved.

The Gazelle says:

   "The same threat appears to be the staple of all the orators of the party--an evidence, at once, that they anticipate defeat, and know of no other possible way of preventing it. The Buchanan correspondent of the organ in New Orleans, the Delta, proclaims that it is already arranged in the event of Fremont's election, to call the Legislatures of Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia to concert measures to withdraw from the Union before Fremont can get possession of the army and navy, and the purse strings of the Government; and the South he says, can rely on the President in the emergency contemplated."

   Upon this subject the following from the N.Y. Courier and Enquirer, is quite pertinent:

   "Thus it is. Argument failing, it is now to be seen what virtue there may be in intimidation. Very well, gentlemen; so be it. We are perfectly willing that, in addition to the great issues which are already before the American people, this new one should be a added--Whether that part of the Federal Constitution which prescribes the mode of electing President and Vice President is to be set at defiance and nullified by a defeated and discontented minoriy. Try it. We ask no favors. If there be any doubt whether force can overbear the will of the majority of this nation constitutionally expressed, it is high time that doubt should be settled. It is high time to know whether American freemen are to firm their opinions under duress, and express them at the ballot box sub terrorum? Either Buchanan or Fillmore--or Revolution. Proclaim it, ye "national" men. Send it out to the four winds of Heaven. Let the American people hear it. It is our opinion that the American people will tell you with an overwhelming indignation that they will have neither Buchanan, nor Fillmore--noe Revolution. The Northern people are ready to deal with this matter. They are not the fools they are taken for." They do not need to be taught, since General Jackson's day if ever they did, that it is always better to vindicate the power of Government to maintain its authority and enforce its laws; and to encourage a spirit of insubordination by yielding to demands, originating in a feeling of arrogance will be rendered more unreasonable by concessions. The sovereign power, we care not what it is that yields to dictation or compounds with arrogance, is already lost And, in this Government, the sovereign power is the will of the people working through the forms and means provided by the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution that makes John C. Fremont ineligible, and if the people see fit to elect him their President, our word for it, the people will make their will respected. And if Franklin Pierce dares, as the New Orleans paper intimates, to add to his present sins an attempt to thwart the operation of the will of the people by a coup 'd tat of any sort, as a traitor he will be hung on a gibbet higher than Haman's.

   The principles of the Republican party and of John C. Fremont, their leader, admit of no misconstruction. They are emblazoned to the world in the Philadelphia Platform and in the letters of the candidates accepting the nomination.--The wit of man cannot detect a single point--not even the minutest--in those principles at variance with the principles which shaped and guided the early administration of the Republic. So far from being at variance, they are essentially the same. Our fathers by the ordinance of '87, which was re enacted under the Constitution, excluded Slavery from territory already free; it is just what we intend to do. They inserted guarantees in the Constitution that American citizens should not be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law--that freedom of Speech and the Press should not be abridged--that test oaths as a condition of exercising suffrage and holding office should not be imposed--that the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed--that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, homes, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, should not be violated--that the right of an accused person to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury should not be denied; these guarantees, and others of like character have been set at naught by the Democratic party under this Administration, and it is the purpose, of the Republican party to vindicate them and reinstate them in their full pristine force. Thus they intend to ESTABLISH JUSTICE AND SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY at home; and by observing, in external relations the good faith inculcated and practiced by our fathers, and repelling the doctrines of the Ostend Circular, they intend to keep peace abroad. With such intentions, are the Northern people to be scared back by menaces?

Are thy to give way and room to their rash choler?
Shall they he frightened when a madman stares?
We tell these men they are mistaken
in their calculations.
There is no terror in your threats,
For we are armed so strong in honesty,
That they pass by us as the idle wind,
Which we respect not.

[Western Reserve Chronicle, Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, Wednesday, September 24, 1856. Vol. 41, No. 6 Pg. 1]

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