Saturday, December 12, 2015

7-11-1856: “while the Free State men are driven away, and armed bands of Missourians and Carolinians . . . are guarding every avenue to the territory, and driving back Northern men, if they choose to go in companies and with arms, as all emigrants to new territories have usaully gone in all past time, and, as the experience of this settlement shows, is the only safe way to go now…”

The Indiana American, “while the Free State men are driven away, and armed bands of Missourians and Carolinians, as will be seen in the news from Kansas, this week, are guarding every avenue to the territory, and driving back Northern men, if they choose to go in companies and with arms, as all emigrants to new territories have usaully gone in all past time, and, as the experience of this settlement shows, is the only safe way to go now…”, July 11, 1856

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