Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just what are they thinking.....

Recently, very recently I might add, I was awakened to the idea of what True Freedom is all about. This was accomplished through the direct help of two individuals to whom I am deeply grateful. First is Matthew from TriggerFinger and second is David from The War On Guns. These two gentlemen helped me to realize what our Founders meant when they were talking about Freedom. And that what we are experiencing today in this country is far from the intended ideal our founders had envisioned. I had a faint grasp of freedom previously but it was limited by the idea that government was the answer to social functioning.

As I have written previously, while still in the 'limited' mindset, this country is being run, for the most part, by selfish, greedy and corrupt beings, (hate to use the word people to describe them), within our own government. We have had our government hijacked by these people who are using this 'supposed' power to strip us of any freedom that was granted to us. Granted by God, not by man. For it is not within the powers of men to grant liberty and freedom! The only 'power' those in government have is what is allowed by us, the people.

Hoping to be able to use this new found Freedom to maximum effectiveness. As well as help others to realize what it really was that our founders were trying to give us.
As I have stated before, what we really have in this country is a polite, (and sometimes not so polite), dictatorship. Many of those in 'supposed' power regularly pervert their intended purposes and abuse the trust of the people they are supposed to serve. Some of these transgressions are minor and not too harmful. While other actions, undertaken by these perverse automatons, are downright murderous!

What is in the mind of a person that attempts to control their fellow man? To dictate to another what they will speak, act and live? That you can do this, but must not do that. What is right and just is that a person, excersizing their liberties and freedoms, infringes not upon anothers pursuit of the same. They are granted that right under our constitution. There must needs be penalties for those that transgress and cause intentional harm to others. This is ideally where government, as instituted by the governed, is supposed to enter the picture. As a safeguard of our liberties. And as an administrator of law and justice as set forth within the bounds of the Constitution. When the administration deems that it knows better than those who put them there and then perverts the laws of the land accordingly - that is tyranny.

For the sake of ourselves, our children and our country, this deliberate perversion of the Intent of our founders for a truly free Republic, must cease! It is not to late to return to the basics and start off again on the right footing. But the window of opportunity is quickly closing!


crallspace said...

Damn straight! It is long past time for impeachment.

Worse than the govt. flu that oppress us are the neo-cons and the apathetic 75% of this country that smile as we are raped.

I'll tell you, one more rigged election, and I am leaving. I was considering Canada after NOV 04, but I am serious about it in 08...

E. David Quammen said...

What I'm calling for is beyond impeachment. Calling for the FULL RESTORATION of our CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS in EVERY STATE of The UNION as well as the FEDERAL.
And IMPRISONMENT of ANY and ALL who have or made attempts at SUBVERTING our Liberties and Freedoms GRANTED TO US UNDER THE AFOREMENTIONED Documents that are SUPPOSED to be the LAWS of OUR LAND. The charges; TREASON and SUBVERSION!