Monday, November 14, 2005

This from Chris Daly (San Francisco Gun Ban Originator)

(What follows, gag, is from off his own website)
Fellow San Franciscans,
Over the past 4 years, I have worked at City Hall on affordable housing, tenants' rights, homelessness, public health, the environment, and senior and kids' issues. I have fought with all of my heart for economic, social, and environmental justice in San Francisco. It's no secret that I've become a favorite target for powerful special interests including some of the world's largest corporations, the real estate industry, big polluters, and even the San Francisco Chronicle.
Behind closed doors, these special interests used to get their way at City Hall. Not anymore. We stood up to them and opened the door to everyday San Franciscans.
But our opponents haven't given up. They spend millions to distort the truth and to lobby for their own bottom line. I hope that this website helps level the playing field -- to keep you informed when the Chronicle deceives and to get you involved in the decisions to ensure San Francisco remains Our City!

I contend, sir, (and I use the term loosely), that you are in fact a traitor to the U.S. Constitution! And not only that but a coward! You distort the facts! You have subverted and perverted the U.S. Constitution! This country was founded as a Republic, and as such is supposed to be governed according to the rule of law. You have effectively disregarded the fourth, (Sec. 2), and sixth, (specifically, para. II), Articles of The U.S. Constitution and the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights! You should be charged with TREASON!

The murders that WILL occur due to your flagrant disregard are ON YOUR HEAD! You will bear the responsibility and answer to God for your perversion of the Truth!
You would make the Founders of this country sick!

All those that have taken part in the subversion and perversion of our Liberties and Freedoms, will have to answer for it one day! As well as those SEATED IN POWER that saw the wrong doing and did nothing to stop it!


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