Sunday, March 09, 2008

"and that no Provisions, Arms, Ammunition, or other Necessaries whatsoever, be carried from hence to them"

By His Excellency

Richard Earl of Bellomont, Captain General and Governour in Chief of His Majesties Province of New-York, and Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c.


WHereas His most Excellent Majesty hath received Advice, That several Ships of Force, fitted out of Scotland, were designed to settle themselves in some parts of America; and left the same should derogate from the Treaties his Majesty hath entered into with the Crown of Spain, or be otherwise prejudicial to any of his Majesties Colonies in America, His Majesty has been pleased to signifie his Royal Pleasure to Me, That I should strictly forbid all his Majesties Subjects, or others, inhabiting within the Districts of my Government, that they forbear holding any Correspondence with, or giving any and assistance to any of the said Persons, while they are engaged in the aforesaid Enterprize; and that no Provisions, Arms, Ammunition, or other Necessaries whatsoever, be carried from hence to them, nor be permitted to be carried, either in their own Vessels, or any other Ship or Vessel for their Use. In pursuance of his Majesties said Royal Will and Pleasure, I have thought fit, by and with the Advice of his Majesties Council of this Province, to publish and Declare his Majesties said Pleasure, and by these Presents do strictly Charge and Command all and every of his Majesties Subjects, and others within this Province and Territories depending thereon in America, That they forbear holding any Correspondence with, or giving any Assistance to such Person or Persons, who have been fitted out of Scotland in manner aforesaid, and are said to have settled in a certain place, which they have called Callidonia, That no Provisions, Arms, Ammunition, or other Necessaries whatsoever, be carried either in their own Vessels, or in any other Ship or Vessel for their Use, from this Province, or any part thereof. And his Majesties Collector and Receiver General, and all other Officers of his Majesties Custom-House, are hereby required to take Notice hereof accordingly.

And I do further strictly Charge, Command and Forbid (by and with the Consent of his Majesties Council, as aforesaid) all his Majesties said Subjects, and others within this Province, That they neither by themselves, nor by any other Persons, authorized by them, do, contrary to his Majesties Royal Pleasure as aforesaid, hold any Correspondence, or give any Assistance, or enter into any Traffick or Commerce with such Persons as are said to be settled in Callidonia aforesaid. And it any Person or Persons within this Province, by themselves, their Factors or Agents, shall, contrary to, and against the true intent and meaning of this his Majesties Royal Will and Pleasure signified unto me, as aforesaid, hold any Correspondence, or give any Assistance, or enter into any Traffick or Commerce, in manner aforesaid, then all such Person or Persons so acting, as aforesaid, shall incur such Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, as by Law in such Cases are provided. And all his Majesties Subjects, and others, within this Province, are hereby Required to take due Notice hereof, and to observe his Majesties said Royal Will and Pleasure in all and every of the Premises, as they will answer the Contrary at their Peril.

Given at Fort William Henry in New-York the 15th Day of May, 1699. and in the Eleventh Year of his Majesties Reign.

By Order, B. Colens, Cl. Concilij...........Bellomont.

God Save the KING.

Printed by W. Bradford, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, in New-York, 1699.

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