Wednesday, July 03, 2013

"And finally the miners had to arm themselves and go to war with guns against the state militia and the Rockefeller gunmen"

   "In Michigan and Colorado the state has been powerless to bring about peace. On the contrary in both of these states the presence of the militia has only served to intensify bitterness and aggravate the war.

   "The federal government, too, has faile'd miserably. All it did was to investigate. It settled nothing. Both the copper and the coal barons have laughed at federal government and state government.

   "Had the striking copper miners of Michigan been granted the same right to bear arms that the hired private armies of the mine owners enjoyed--and had the state militia been kept at home--one or two real battles between the miners and the gunmen would have ended the war.

   "In Colorado, that industrial war would have been quickly ended had the miners enjoyed the same belligerent rights the state gave to the Rockefeller gunmen.

   "All the state did was to make more men hate the law because they learned it stood for injustice, and protected the employer and hounded the employe.

   "And finally the miners had to arm themselves and go to war with guns against the state militia and the Rockefeller gunmen, in order to protect their own lives and the lives of their wives and children.

   "Why temporize? Why beat about the bush? Why not frankly admit that the industrial war is actual war, and grant to the other side the same belligerent rights we all know the one side now exercises without hindrance?"

- The Day book, NOON EDITION, An Adless Daily Newspaper, N.D. Cochran, Editor and Publisher. Vol. 3, No. 177 Chicago, Saturday, April 25, 1914. ONE CENT.

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