Wednesday, June 04, 2014

This ought to bring a chuckle or two...

The platform of principles enunciated by the National Democratic convention may be found in the appropriate place in to-day’s paper.

Taken together, the platform is unobjectionable. Indeed it embrace the right doctrine and will be supported by every true friend of the Union in the country. It is brief, but contains everything necessary in the present crisis of affairs. There are but six resolutions but they are sufficiently comprehensive for any person....

...To the fourth, every true heart will respond. It declares the old Democratic doctrine on State rights, and denounces the subversion of the civil by military laws in the States not in insurrection, the arbitrary arrests, the suppression of the freedom of the press and of speech, the denial of the right of asylum, the denial of the right of the people to bear arms, and the employment of unusual test oaths, as contrary to the constitution and encroachments upon the rights of the people....

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