Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"to give to each male emigrant . . . a rifle-gun and ammunition"

...The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution.

A motion was made by Mr. White, to amend the same, by adding at the end thereof, the following: "Provided that an additional article, to be executed between the United States and the friends and followers of the late General McIntosh, by their delegation, now in the City of Washington, shall be entered into, containing the following stipulations by the United States, in favor of the said friends and followers of the late General McIntosh.

1. That the sum of 30,000 dollars, for each one thousand persons of said Creek nation, be paid, who, within months after the ratification of the treaty, shall signify their disposition to the Agent to emigrate to the west of the Mississippi, and who shall, accordingly, carry said design into execution, within a reasonable time thereafter.

2. The United States to support each of said emigrants, for months after their arrival at the point of destination; months notice of their intention to emigrate being given to the United States, through their Agent, to pay for supplies furnished the Mcintosh party, since the death of the General, proper vouchers for the same being produced: and to give to each male emigrant, over the age of sixteen years, a rifle-gun and ammunition, butcher knife, and a camp kettle, and to pay for the value of all improvements left by any emigrant, which add to the real value of the land, to be ascertained by a Commissioner, to be appointed by the President.

3. To stipulate, that the exploring party provided for in the treaty, shall be accompanied by an Agent, who shall be acceptable to them, and to be appointed by the President; and, after the return of the said Agent, herein provided for, and after his report to the Secretary of War, the President of the United States shall, forthwith, grant to such Agent special commission, authorizing him to repair to the Creek nation, there to open a book of registry, in which shall be inserted the names of all persons willing to emigrate to the country which shall have been determined upon, of which due and public notice shall be given throughout all the Creek nation.

The friends and followers of the late General McIntosh, shall have free access to the several towns, and to all parts of the Creek nation, under the protection of the said Special Agent, for the purpose of inducing their friends, throughout the nation, to join them in their emigration; and all persons desirous of emigrating, shall be at full liberty to do so, without hindrance or molestation from those who remain; and the Resident Agent of the United States shall be instructed to give them all necessary aid, and the said Special shall accompany them in their emigration....

- Journal of the executive proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America, 1815-1829 FRIDAY, April 21, 1826. Library of Congress - American Memory.