"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed." _________________________________________________________________________ "The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them." --Thomas Jefferson _________________________________________________________________________ Shredding the lies one slice at a time....

Monday, June 30, 2014
“No slave shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon whatsoever..."
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Interesting trio of early Pennsylvania laws....
of Pennsylvania, “If any person or persons, of what sex, age, degree or
quality soever, shall fire any gun or other fire-arms”, Aug. 26, 1721
Laws of Pennsylvania, “If any person or persons, of what sex, age, degree or quality soever, shall fire any gun or other fire-arms”, Feb. 9, 1750-51
Laws of Pennsylvania, “If any person or persons shall . . . wantonly and without reasonable occasion discharge and fire off any hand gun pistol or other fire arms”, Dec. 24, 1774
Laws of Pennsylvania, “If any person or persons, of what sex, age, degree or quality soever, shall fire any gun or other fire-arms”, Feb. 9, 1750-51
Laws of Pennsylvania, “If any person or persons shall . . . wantonly and without reasonable occasion discharge and fire off any hand gun pistol or other fire arms”, Dec. 24, 1774
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Here is an interesting opinion from an early U.S. Supreme Court Justice....
“By the 6th article and 2d clause of the constitution it is thus declared:-’That this constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof, and treaties made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land.’
“This provision of the constitution, it is to be feared, is sometimes applied or expounded without those qualifications which the character of the parties to that instrument, and its adaptation to the purposes for which it was created, necessarily imply. Every power delegated to the federal government must be expounded in coincidence with a perfect right in the States to all that they have not delegated in coincidence, too, with the possession of every power and right necessary for their existence and preservation; for it is impossible to believe that these ever were, in intention or in fact, ceded to the general government. Laws of the United States, in order to be binding, must be within the legitimate powers vested by the constitution. Treaties, to be valid, must be made within the scope of the same powers; for there can be no ‘authority of the United States,’ save what is derived mediately or immediately, and regularly and legitimately, from the constitution. A treaty, no more than an ordinary statute, can arbitrarily cede away any one right of a State or of any citizen of a State. In cases of alleged conflict between a law of the United States and the constitution, or between the law of a State and the constitution or a statute of the United States, this court must pronounce upon the validity of either law with reference to the constitution; but whether the decision of the court in such cases be itself binding or otherwise must depend upon its conformity with, or its warrant from, the constitution. It cannot be correctly held, that a decision, merely because it be by the Supreme Court, is to override alike the constitution and the laws both of the States and of the United States.”–Mr. Justice DANIEL, U.S. Supreme Court [THURLOW v. COM OF MASS, 46 U.S. 504 (1847), 46 U.S. 504 (How.), SAMUEL THURLOW, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR, v. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS., JOEL FLETCHER, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR, v. THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. ANDREW PEIRCE, JR., AND THOMAS W. PEIRCE, PLAINTIFFS IN ERROR, v. THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. January Term, 1847. (License Cases) P. 613]
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
It's as if the author of the following was a prophet....
San Francisco Call, "A free people, guaranteed the right to bear arms,
increasing to seventy millions, with a little army of only 25,000 men,
presented an example that encouraged the friends of free institutions
everywhere", May 28, 1899
Would highly recommend reading this article. As the author NAILED it concerning what would happen with our nation....
Would highly recommend reading this article. As the author NAILED it concerning what would happen with our nation....
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
What we need is a real good house-cleaning....
The present administration, as well as the whole 'democratic' party should be ashamed of themselves. For they have not only dishonored the heritage of our nation. But have concertedly and perversely attempted to destroy the whole fundamental basis of our country. They have deliberately cast aside our Constitution, as well as the rights which are secured by that Supreme Law. They have set at naught the "transcendent laws of nature and of nature's God". They have committed criminal acts against the sovereign authority of this nation. Which is of course - We The People. And have instead perversely attempted to raise the creature; government. Above its creator; We The People.
To put it plainly, these criminals are guilty of treason. And are more than worthy of facing the fate of traitors. And what is worse, is that the republican party is equally as guilty as the democrats. It should be quite obvious to all that the whole body politic is corrupt from the head to the toe. And that we need to return to government under the Constitution. As well as the elimination of the 'party' system. What We The People really need is the intended CONSTITUTIONAL "system". We need to hit the reset switch NOW. Or, very soon there won't be any "reset switch" to hit. There won't even be any country left to pass on to our "posterity".
These criminals need to be removed from office. From out of ALL branches of our governments; executive, judicial and legislative. And from all levels of American government; local, state and federal. They need to be charged with conspiracy to commit treason, and tried and sentenced in a newly revamped court system. The corrupt in all of the agencies, bureaus, and departments need to be flushed out and tried in court as well. The sentences then need to be publicly carried out, and broadcast so that they are remembered. The people that supported and upheld these traitors are equally guilty. The 'lobbyists', 'big business', 'media', and other 'special interest' groups are all co-conspirators. And are just as guilty of treason as those that they have bribed to do their bidding.
We need a thorough house cleaning from top to bottom. Or soon there will be no house left to clean....
To put it plainly, these criminals are guilty of treason. And are more than worthy of facing the fate of traitors. And what is worse, is that the republican party is equally as guilty as the democrats. It should be quite obvious to all that the whole body politic is corrupt from the head to the toe. And that we need to return to government under the Constitution. As well as the elimination of the 'party' system. What We The People really need is the intended CONSTITUTIONAL "system". We need to hit the reset switch NOW. Or, very soon there won't be any "reset switch" to hit. There won't even be any country left to pass on to our "posterity".
These criminals need to be removed from office. From out of ALL branches of our governments; executive, judicial and legislative. And from all levels of American government; local, state and federal. They need to be charged with conspiracy to commit treason, and tried and sentenced in a newly revamped court system. The corrupt in all of the agencies, bureaus, and departments need to be flushed out and tried in court as well. The sentences then need to be publicly carried out, and broadcast so that they are remembered. The people that supported and upheld these traitors are equally guilty. The 'lobbyists', 'big business', 'media', and other 'special interest' groups are all co-conspirators. And are just as guilty of treason as those that they have bribed to do their bidding.
We need a thorough house cleaning from top to bottom. Or soon there will be no house left to clean....
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
An interesting discovery, and an even more interesting re-discovery....
Sun, New York, “Judge Collins called his attention to the fact that the
constitution of the United States gave citizens the right to bear
arms”, June 28, 1891
The following U.S. Supreme Court case delves into the right of self-defense of employees while working for their employers:
New Orleans & N. E. R. Co.. v. Jopes, U.S. Supreme Court, “He has not forfeited his right of self-defense by assuming service with a common carrier; nor does the common carrier engage aught against the exercise of that right by his employe”, Dec. 7, 1891
The following U.S. Supreme Court case delves into the right of self-defense of employees while working for their employers:
New Orleans & N. E. R. Co.. v. Jopes, U.S. Supreme Court, “He has not forfeited his right of self-defense by assuming service with a common carrier; nor does the common carrier engage aught against the exercise of that right by his employe”, Dec. 7, 1891
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Perhaps the current federal traitor-in-chief should pay attention to this state executive....
Gov. George Hoadly, “As the right of the people to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution, and as there is and can be no law passed forbidding the carrying of the same, except concealed weapons, and as the right of every citizen to guard and defend his own property, by himself or his agents, is unqualified and absolute, it follows that I have no power to interfere”, Dec. 17, 1884
You do understand the English language, right mr. obama?
You do understand the English language, right mr. obama?
Friday, June 13, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Monday, June 09, 2014
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Saturday, June 07, 2014
Friday, June 06, 2014
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
This ought to bring a chuckle or two...
The platform of principles enunciated by the National Democratic convention may be found in the appropriate place in to-day’s paper.
Taken together, the platform is unobjectionable. Indeed it embrace the right doctrine and will be supported by every true friend of the Union in the country. It is brief, but contains everything necessary in the present crisis of affairs. There are but six resolutions but they are sufficiently comprehensive for any person....
...To the fourth, every true heart will respond. It declares the old Democratic doctrine on State rights, and denounces the subversion of the civil by military laws in the States not in insurrection, the arbitrary arrests, the suppression of the freedom of the press and of speech, the denial of the right of asylum, the denial of the right of the people to bear arms, and the employment of unusual test oaths, as contrary to the constitution and encroachments upon the rights of the people....
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
More [hypocritical] democratic party irony....
State Sentinel, “man has the right to purchase arms and ammunition for
sale, and the people the right to buy and keep them for the purposes
provided in the Constitution.”, August 22, 1864
Pertinent quote from the above:
Pertinent quote from the above:
"While the Democratic party will maintain at all hazards the constitutional right of the people to bear arms for the defense of themselves..."Funny, ISN'T IT?
Monday, June 02, 2014
More treason from the Confederacy....
Standard, [More treason in the Confederacy] “but the Constitution,
which guarantees to every man the right to keep and bear arms, is to be
trampled under foot”, May 21, 1862
It should be noted that the Confederate Constitution has secured the right to arms in the exact same wording as the United States Constitution had.
It should be noted that the Confederate Constitution has secured the right to arms in the exact same wording as the United States Constitution had.
Sunday, June 01, 2014
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