"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed." _________________________________________________________________________ "The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them." --Thomas Jefferson _________________________________________________________________________ Shredding the lies one slice at a time....

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
"Furthermore, it used to be a favorite means with arbitrary rulers to enslave their subjects by forbidding the keeping and bearing of arms."
Article II.–The Right to Bear Arms
159. The Right Important.–If the people were deprived of the right to keep and bear arms they would be lacking in preparation for war. Furthermore, it used to be a favorite means with arbitrary rulers to enslave their subjects by forbidding the keeping and bearing of arms. But while a person may go about in our country wjth a gun or other deadly weapon in the hand, he is not allowed to carry concealed deadly weapons. However, this is not forbidden by Congress, but by the States.
Government of the United States By L.S. Shimmell, Ph.D. District
Supervisor Of Schools, Harrisburg, PA. Author Of "The Pennsylvania
Citizen," "A History Of Pennsylvania," And "Border Warfare In
Pennsylvania During The Revolution" New York Maynard, Merrill, & Co.
1906 Pg. 117]
"where a so styled "armed people," like an avalanche, crushed standing armies of world known fame."
"An amendment to our National Constitution says: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The truth of this provision requires no lengthy comment. The liberty of a people rests on themselves, on their character and institutions, and on their ability to guard against usurpation. The safety of a nation depends on their superiority of culture and the general knowledge the art of war. This was most powerfully demonstrated in the recent Franco-German war in Europe, where a so styled "armed people," like an avalanche, crushed standing armies of world known fame. The enforcement of laws requires often more than ordinary preparations, especially in a Republic as ours, which is subject to constant political fluctuations, and presents a conglomeration of all nationalities with different proclivities and propensities. We cannot, therefore, dispense with a system of military preparations, however cumbersome it may be to an industrious people. A good militia is the more needed as sound Republican principles demand that a regular standing army in a Republic be reduced to an absolute necessity."--Albert Sigel, Adjutant-General of Missouri, [Report Of The Adjutant-General For 1871. Jefferson City, Nov. 20, 1871. Pg. 12]
N.Y. Gov. Horatio Seymour: "one of the sacred rights of every American citizen. The Government has so little confidence in the people of these States that it fears to trust them with the privilege of bearing arms."
"Turning from the consideration of the military power let us ob- [Pg. 236] serve the policy of the Government. To-day our forces compass the mouth of the Mississippi, are present in the harbor of Charleston, and are struggling for the possession of Georgia under Sherman. But let me tell you, also, that to-day it requires more men to hold in the Union the three States of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland, than the whole number originally called for to suppress the rebellion. In the beginning these States repudiated secession. Three years ago the North responded with unanimity to the calls of the Government. When on my return from the West at that time, the people Chicago, like the people of Milwaukee, were animated by a spirit unanimity and patriotism. What do we see now? The Government has so little confidence in the people that by an official order, just issued, it denies to the people of Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, one of the sacred rights of every American citizen. The Government has so little confidence in the people of these States that it fears to trust them with the privilege of bearing arms. The Constitution declares that this right shall not be infringed. Our fathers believed it necessary for the protection of the people from the encroachments arbitrary power. You are told that the people of these States cannot be trusted with arms even to hunt their food upon your broad prairies."
[Pg. 238]
"...We had been told that the South could not manage their own sectional affairs. We were told that if we were to stop the mouth of the Mississippi the Southern people would starve. We were told much about the superior cost of Southern mail carriage, and that the South could not be driven out of the Union. This course of dangerous agitation has continued until to day. The dominant party approves acts from the contemplation of which they once would have turned away with horror. Had I said here in Milwaukee, three years ago, that a general of the Federal army, this year, would issue an edict denying to the people of the North-west the right to bear arms, or that the writ of habeas corpus would now be suspended, and your citizens be subject to military arrest without the right of trial by jury, I should have been derided and scorned as a madman."--N.Y. Governor Horatio Seymour, speech in Milwaukee September 1, 1864. [Public Record: Including Speeches, Messages, Proclamations, Official Correspondence, And Other Public Utterances Of Horatio Seymour; From The Campaign of 1856 to the Present Time. With An Appendix. Compiled From The Most Authentic Sources, And Printed Exclusively For The Use Of Editors And Public Speakers. Compiled And Edited By Thomas M. Cook And Thomas W. Knox. New York: Published By I.W. England, At The Office of the N.Y. Sun. 1868.]
[Pg. 238]
"...We had been told that the South could not manage their own sectional affairs. We were told that if we were to stop the mouth of the Mississippi the Southern people would starve. We were told much about the superior cost of Southern mail carriage, and that the South could not be driven out of the Union. This course of dangerous agitation has continued until to day. The dominant party approves acts from the contemplation of which they once would have turned away with horror. Had I said here in Milwaukee, three years ago, that a general of the Federal army, this year, would issue an edict denying to the people of the North-west the right to bear arms, or that the writ of habeas corpus would now be suspended, and your citizens be subject to military arrest without the right of trial by jury, I should have been derided and scorned as a madman."--N.Y. Governor Horatio Seymour, speech in Milwaukee September 1, 1864. [Public Record: Including Speeches, Messages, Proclamations, Official Correspondence, And Other Public Utterances Of Horatio Seymour; From The Campaign of 1856 to the Present Time. With An Appendix. Compiled From The Most Authentic Sources, And Printed Exclusively For The Use Of Editors And Public Speakers. Compiled And Edited By Thomas M. Cook And Thomas W. Knox. New York: Published By I.W. England, At The Office of the N.Y. Sun. 1868.]
Sunday, December 28, 2014
March 8, 1748 Pennsylvania Gazette Ad placed by Benjamin Franklin
"A Parcel of good Muskets, all well fitted with Bayonets, Belts and Cartouch-Boxes, and Buff Slings to cast over the Shoulder, very useful to such as have Occasion to ride with their Arms; To be sold by B. Franklin."--Pennsylvania Gazette, March 8, 1748
Benjamin Franklin 11/17/1747: "’Tis computed that we have at least (exclusive of the Quakers) 60,000 Fighting Men, acquainted with Fire-Arms"
Truth by Benjamin Franklin, “If this now flourishing City, and greatly
improving Colony, is destroy’d and ruin’d, it will not be for want of
Numbers of Inhabitants able to bear Arms in its Defence. ’Tis computed
that we have at least (exclusive of the Quakers) 60,000 Fighting Men,
acquainted with Fire-Arms, many of them Hunters and Marksmen, hardy and bold.”, Nov. 17, 1747
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
We are NOT "gun owners"...
We are armed CITIZENS exercising our God-given and inalienable natural right to be able to defend ourselves from all enemies - foreign or domestic. Which of course includes those domestic "enemies" within our own governments that attempt to steal our rights away.
Here's a post from Blugrass Bruce worthy of attention...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 New York State Deems 278 Gun Owners Too “Unstable” For Firearms New York State is set to confiscate firearms from nearly 300 individuals who the state has judged to be “mentally unfit”, reports say....This is a dangerous precedent that we cannot afford to allow to be set.
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