Sunday, February 12, 2006

The War on Guns has an article, I'd like to AMPLIFY on...


Think our fine-feathered 'legislators' have obviously misconstrued the INTENT of our Founders;

"The federal and State governments are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people, constituted with different powers, and designed for different purposes."

..."A few representatives of the PEOPLE would be opposed to the PEOPLE themselves"...
"Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to DEFEND THE RIGHTS OF WHICH THEY WOULD BE IN ACTUAL POSSESSION, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors. Let us rather no longer insult them with the supposition that they can ever reduce themselves to the necessity of making the experiment, by a blind and tame submission to the long train of insidious measures which must precede and produce it."
"But WERE THE PEOPLE TO POSSESS THE ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached BOTH to THEM AND TO THE MILITIA, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it."
- James Madison, Federalist #46
May 'they' CHOKE on it!


The Federalist Papers cannot be ARGUED against or DISMISSED by ANY in government. As the Papers are A PART of THE CONTRACT; The U.S. CONSTITUTION. They were THE method employed by the Framers, to SELL the idea of the NEW FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to THE PEOPLE. They spell out CLEARLY the MEANING and INTENTIONS of the Framers!

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