Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865. Volume 2

"Fears are now frequently expressed that we are to have trouble in the free states. There seems to exist a great number of peace men, men who are willing to make peace on any terms "only stop the war." The "Knights of the Golden Circle" (K.G.C.) a secret Society are said to have become numerous and are ready to overthrow the Govt if necessary to make Peace. "Union Leage" Secret Societies are now forming all over the Country to counteract the K.G.Cs. I intend to Join the U.L. tomorrow night. It is intended to have the unconditional Union Men in this City and all over the Country ready (at a moments warning, "armed to the teeth") for any emergency. The action of some of the State Legislatures, and conventions of the People, and the tone of some of the Interior Papers is somewhat alarming. There is as this State of things prove a great lack of confidence in those at the head of the Govt and who manage the War. But a Victory or two will put things "all right." No Separation. "No peace" for ten years to come, unless those in rebellion are willing to lay down their arms and return to their duty as Loyal Citizens, so say I.

- Horatio Nelson Taft, Washington Feb. 11, 1863.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a backup post that August 28 is Buy Ammo day according to War On Guns?