WHEREAS Her Majesty hath been pleased to Intrust us with Her Royal Commands and Instructions to the Governours of Her several Provinces upon the Continent of America, who are to furnish their respective Quota's towards the present Expedition, which Her Majesty hath fitted out with so great Care and Expence, for the Relief and Safety of Her Good Subjects, upon the said North Continent of America; and that at a Juncture when both Men and Money are so much wanted in Her several Armies in Europe; and that there might remain no ground, either from the Surmises of Her Enemies, or the Doubts of Her Subjects, to Suggest any thing {Omitted text, 1w} might give the least shadow for a scruple, or binder Her Loyal Subjects from Joyning Unanimously and Cordially in {Omitted text, 2w} Expedition, which Her Majesty hath Intended wholly for the Safety of Her Subjects upon the North Continent of America.
WE do therefore in Her Majesty's Name, assure all such as shall go upon the said Expedition, that as they shall be under the Command of their own proper Officers during the said Expedition; so as soon as it is over, they shall all Return to their respective Homes. And further as a particular mark of Her Majesty's favour & Respect to all such of Her Subjects as shall Go as Volunteers on the said Expedition: She hath sent over by us a good new Fire-lock, Cartouch-box, Flints and Ammunition, to be delivered to every man, as soon as he shall Enlist himself in the Service, to be his own for ever thereafter; And that Her Majesty will moreover put distinguishing Marks of Her Favour up-on all Gentlemen and others, who shall go as Volunteers.
And Lastly, To Consummate all Her Majesty's Favours to Her Subjects in these Parts, She hath Impowred us, by a particular Instruction, under Her Royal Signature, to Assure all Her several Colony's, who shall Contribute towards the Reduction of the Places against which the present Expedition is designed; that when it shall please God by the Success of Her Arms, to Reduce them to Her Subjection and Obedience; (which Great Work seems by Heaven to be Reserved to be done by Her Majesty, to Crown all the Wondrous Actions of Her Glorious Reign) all those Persons and Provinces, who shall have Contributed towards the Reduction of the same; that they shall have a preference, both with regard to the Soil and Trade of the said Country, before all other Her Majesty's Subjects whatsoever; and when they shall Form any Reasonable proposals amongst themselves, for Securing the Trade of the said Country to their Respective Colony's, Her Majesty shall {Omitted text, 1w} to Give Her Royal Sanction to the fame.
Given under our Hands at Boston, May the Ninth, 1709. In the Eighth Year of Her Majesty's Reign.
Francis Nicholson.
Samuel Vetch.
GOD Save the QUEEN.
By His Excellency,
THE aforegoing Proclamation is agreeable to Her Majesty's Instructions; To Her Majesties Commands to my self, and for Her Service, Let it be made Publick.
Also See:
Right to Keep and Bear Arms -
Historical Directories:
Historical Directories:
this will make you blow a gasket:
paul helmke
Am unsure what message it is you are trying to get across? The Brady's and Paul are everyday common vermin. Didn't run across anything unusual, (for their sick twisted antics), when I googled them.
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