American Machine Politics.
The Times of London looks upon the defeat of Gladstone's Irish measure as "strong testimony in favor of the encouraging belief that Englishmen and Scotchmen are not yet ready to submit themselves to the levelling influence of the machine politics of America." But, after all, it may by that they have not yet learned to profit by the example of America.
It is only a little more than twenty years since there was a rebellion in this country. At its close no rebels were hanged, no leaders were imprisoned, no conspirators were banished. A few were disenfranchised for a short time, but all their political disabilities were soon swept away, if not by the "levelling influence of machine politics," at least by the nation's right hand of fellowship, which raised the fallen rebels once more to the dignity of citizens of the United States, in the full enjoyment of their home rule and of all their former rights and privileges.
And now the people of the South are loyal and contented. There is no clamoring for justice to any one State in the Union. The conscience of the Federal Government, free from guilt, is without fear, and consequently the right of the people of the South to bear arms is not interfered with. We have no coercion there now and no threats of any in the future, no laws for the imprisonment of suspects, no infringement of the right of domicle, no seizing and gagging of the press, no force of forty thousand Federal soldiers to overawe and insult an unarmed people or to gain military glory by driving old women and little children from their homes, no "loyalists" howling for rifles to shoot down the supporters of a Legislature in their own State, no citizens who are obliged to live upon the charity of the people of England, no landlords who fix their rentals according to the wages of their tenants' sons and daughters over in that country, and no indictments of the Federal Government by the people of any State, or by the press of any country, for the skillful or criminal manufacture of famines from potato blights.
What a blessing it would be to the United Kingdom if American machine politics could be permanently established there.
- The Sun, New York, Friday, June 11, 1886. Vol. LIII.--No. 284. Pg. 2.
I know, I know. I about laughed until I cried myself.
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