Officers Fear Lynching
of Men Who Murdered
Colored People Warned
To Keep Off City
Streets.WILMINGTON, Delaware, No 14.--Fearing enraged citizens might attempt to lynch three negroes charged with murdering one policeman and probably mortally wounding another in Wilmington police last night rushed the prisoners to Philadelphia.
The negroes Lemuel, James and John Price, brothers, are being held in Central police station.
Wilmington is quiet today. Police have been instructed to prevent the assemblage of crowds. Rifles and a machine gun are at police headquarters.
The sale of firearms in the city has been stopped and negroes have been warned to keep off the streets.
The murdered policeman was Thomas L. Zebley. Harry F. Pierce, the wounded policeman, was shot three times and is not expected to live. The shooting occurred when the two patrolmen went to the Price home to investigate the stealing last week of scores of guns from a gun store. The guns had been pawned in the city.[The Ogden Standard, Ogden City, Utah, Friday Evening, November 14, 1919. Forty-ninth Year--No. 272. Pg. 1]
"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed." _________________________________________________________________________ "The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them." --Thomas Jefferson _________________________________________________________________________ Shredding the lies one slice at a time....

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
"The sale of firearms in the city has been stopped...."
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