Monday, September 16, 2013

"Americans everywhere are invited . . . Firearms are not barred..."

   Americans everywhere are invited to make use of the "ideal vacationland" that exists in the national forests. Most of the great woodlands are in the western states but some are in the east so that no section of the country is too distant to share in their benefits. The forest service of the United States Department of Agriculture is endeavoring to bring about a full public realization of what the forests offer,   
   "You will encounter no 'Keep Out' signs on the forests," says one of several booklets issued by the forest service. "They are not fenced against the public, but invite your presence and use. The only signs you will find are those which point you on your way or ask your cooperation in preserving the beauty and value of these free recreation grounds and their resources. Firearms are not barred, and hunting and fishing are restricted only by the requirements of the state game laws.
   "You are welcome to all the necessary firewood and to forage for your saddle and pack animals; and, so far as possible, the glazing or commercial stock is regulated in such a way as to save an accessible supply of forage for the camper use. You may camp where you like and stay as long as you please. The forest service asks that you look only to the proper sanitation of the camp and that you be careful with fire."
   Information on the forests will be furnished to all who apply to the forest supervisors, the district foresters, or to the forest service at Washington, D. C.
[The Logan Republican, Logan, Cache County, Utah, Saturday, July 19, 1919. Seventeenth Year Pg. 7 - Excerpted from article "What The Department Of Agriculture Is Doing"]

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