Thursday, January 26, 2006

This is just so, unbelievably, wrong....

(Click title of post to view article)
Article found on
And, here is a late-breaking twist to this article, thanks to David Codrea from
Do a Google search on Susan Stori and you'll find she's the Legislative resaearch / Issues Watch Chair of the St. Croix County Democrat party. Passing herself off as just an ordinary citizen writing a letter to the editor is the height of dishonesty--she is a political operative with an agenda. Of course, I expect the newspaper knows that...
I hereby enter into evidence the following;
(Look at Page 2 Left-side column)
Should one so desire, they may contact Susan at the following;
What follows is my reply to this 'tripe', as sent to the author and to the editor at The Capital Times in Madison, WI.;
Following is my response to the above article. This response has been posted on a Nation-Wide Forum. Which receives commentary on articles, such as Susan's, from around the world.
Dear Susan,Your article, which closed with the following, at the next to last sentence;...and concentrating on ways to truly improve public safety....
Caused me to write the following rebuttal;
Funny you should mention that, Susan! Especially after all the drool you slobbered, before the final 'nugget', near the end of your drivel.
It is that 'nugget' which I will expound upon, Susan. Now, be a good little troll and get back up into your high-chair.
You see, Susan. The 'ways to truly improve public safety', have ALREADY been laid out. Many, many years ago. This of course, was previous to the time in which creatures like yourself were spawned.
The Framers of our Constitution, who had neglected to put obvious inference to the people's RKBA. Did so, because they couldn't perceive that there would arise urchins of hell, yes - much like you Susan. Urchins, that could possibly think that the RKBA, was not a NATURAL one.
There were those, however, that caught this oversight, and insisted there be mention of this right. Hence, the entrance of the Bill of Rights, Susan! So that little despicable, whining, irresponsible creatures, such as yourself. Couldn't whine, kick, piss and moan til they got their way.
Now, wipe up the drool, be a good little troll and go back to your sandbox!
(What follows below is the expansion of the comment left on KABA, which was included in the rebuttal sent to the author, and editor of The Capital Times.)
Are you even aware of the INTENTIONS of our Constitution or Bill of Rights, Susan? As well as the reasoning and IMPORTANCE of them?
Your contention is to let those in government 'protect' us? Fine job they did on 9/11, eh? And, how about the robust job they are doing along the border with Mexico? Over 216 armed incursions onto Sovereign U.S. soil by FOREIGN Military troops? And, you would have us be at the total mercy of grossly negligent, corrupt and greedy politicians?
You need to do some study on American history, Susan! We are supposed to be a Free Republic, governed by a Constitution! And, as pointed out by Mr. Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist #28;
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government...
You seem to lack the comprehension as to why our Founders wanted ALL Citizens ARMED. It was to discourage any thought by government of attempt to establish a TYRANNY! It is a VITAL SAFEGUARD, erected to ensure against corruption in government! It was so the People could repel ANY attackers, whether they be Foreign or Domestic!
Editor; if you value the monetary gain derived from your readers, it may be wise to reexamine what is placed in your paper! The press was SUPPOSED to be one of the Safeguards set in place by the Founders. The function of it, was to warn all citizens of potential harm that may arise from government!
If this paper has any moral clarity, at all. It will perform a reevaluation of its intentions and motives! And, instead of acting as a tool of the 'elite'. Will return to the knowledge of providing a venue for truth to its readers! Lies, like paper sacks, only hold water for so long!
With Utter Contempt,
E. David Quammen
Okay! After taking into consideration the subtilty of Susan Stori, (Thanks, again to David Codrea from The War on Guns, for the heads up!). There is now a FULL-FLEDGED DECLARATION OF WAR! Anyone found to be aiding and abetting the USURPERS, will be RUTHLESSLY Blogged! (Wish it could be Flogged! Who knows....IT COULD HAPPEN!)

1 comment:

David Codrea said...

Do a Google search on Susan Stori and you'll find she's the Legislative resaearch / Issues Watch Chair of the St. Croix County Democrat party. Passing herself off as just an ordinary citizen writing a letter to the editor is the height of dishonesty--she is a political operative with an agenda.

Of course, i expect the newspaper knows that...