Sunday, January 15, 2006

Now this GROUP has a GOOD IDEA....

Bold, But Doable
All of our civil rights are under attack. No ‘single issue’ rights group has successfully restored any lost right or even stemmed the erosion or practical seizure of a right – including the venerable NRA. It is time for the members of these rights groups to understand the inherent limitations of ‘single issue’ skirmishes led by lobbying organizations." It is time for the People themselves to join forces and act collectively. Government, at all levels, must be forced back within the limits of the state and federal Constitutions.”
We announced that we were going to develop the We The People Congress to become “the nationwide force that will institutionalize and organize citizen vigilance.”
Thousands of people joined the Congress as Members. Hundreds signed on as voluntary County and State coordinators.
After two years of fits and starts and admittedly limited progress, the Congress has finally readied a bold and achievable business plan, based upon a fundamental redesign and reorganization of its core strategy and management structure. With the support of the membership, the Plan will enable the Congress to quickly “step up” and become the nationwide, organized force of Constitutional activists originally conceived.
To begin, it is time to recognize that the mission of the Congress will not, and cannot be achieved solely through volunteers -- no matter their level of commitment. Such is not in the natural order.
The battle for Freedom and Liberty with order is, in truth, an on-going struggle of major proportions, not unlike that of any war. It requires managers (i.e., “generals”) and a professional organization of skilled, fully dedicated personnel to assemble and organize the available resources, plan the tactics, support the troops and execute the attacks. And as in war, the army and its operations must also be adequately financed -- ultimately by those who seek its protection.
We trust you will agree that the time has come for a significant step-change in the activities of We The People Congress, if it is to fulfill its Mission and become an instrument of the People to restore the Constitution to its rightful place of honor. With your help we will further the concept of assembling a critical mass of People, under a common, professionally managed organization, dedicated to repelling all acts that would weaken the Constitution, by institutionalizing civic education, monitoring of government, and organized resistance against unconstitutional and illegal behavior by government officials.
This is A VERY GOOD IDEA! Am convinced it has much more chance of effecting change than anything else I've read. Would strongly urge ALL to TAKE A GOOD, LONG LOOK AT THIS!

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