Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Is it just me? (And a few MILLION others)....

"One single object...[will merit] the endless gratitude of the society: that of restraining the judges from usurping legislation."
- Thomas Jefferson
You, and I can read, obviously. And, it appears that we can comprehend that which is written. Can someone tell me why, the people in the various departments of government, have such a hard time understanding the INTENT of the Framers in our Founding Documents? I mean, these people are educated. They went to institutions of, supposedly, 'higher-learning'! Yet, they seem to have great difficulty in grasping the TRUTH. Truths, that are so plain, that a grade-school level child can readily see the meaning!
The problem, as outlined above, can only have two plausible explanations; Either, those in government have a crystal-clear understanding as to the intent of the Framers. And are actively working at subverting OUR Constitution. Or, they are so illiterate, that they cannot understand the TRUE meaning. Either way, these people are a clear and present danger to the REST of US!

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