Thursday, December 08, 2005

Bastards Unlimited.....

Well the com/nazi's fulfilled their 'blood-lust' yet once again! This time they murdered a BiPolar, Missionary who was off his medication! He was unarmed and had a mental illness - nice going fed!
He was with his wife and had already been screened before boarding his flight. Apparently, he had some pre-flight jitters, (a common occurrence - especially after 9/11), and started flailing his arms, running off the plane shouting - "I got to get off! I got to get off!". Our always understanding, compassionate and never wrong com/nazi's promptly drilled three to four holes in the man.
You unholy servants of HELL will answer for your EVIL one day!
GOD will not be mocked - as a man sows, so he shall reap!

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