Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Well, I guess that makes our Representatives Infidels then...

"A good government implies two things; first, fidelity to the objects of the government; secondly, a knowledge of the means, by which those objects can be best attained."
- Joseph Story
(Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833)
You know, Joe, I acknowledge that you had done great service to the legal system and our Country. But we seem to have a problem here. Your statement was made on the assumption that our 'supposed representatives' actually desire a 'good government'. Secondly, the implication of 'fidelity' falls on the deaf ears of an 'infidel'. And, lastly Joe, it seems the only 'knowledge' these 'supposed representatives' have, is how they can best attain the most for themselves. With their apparent 'objective' being the complete stripping of Rights from The People!
Your NEEDED back on the bench, Joe!

Monday, January 30, 2006

God, I sure as hell hope not....

"It could take a hundred years, or as little as a generation, to rediscover the freedom our Founders hammered into the U.S. Constitution. Much of our freedom has already been lost, but the rediscovery cannot even begin to emerge until the weight of government oppression grows too heavy to bear. Early Americans felt the weight of King George's oppression, until they could bear it no more. Then, they acted. Not all of the early Americans had reached the tipping point in 1776. In fact, many, if not most of the people, preferred to suffer oppression by the king, rather than to pay the cost of freedom. Many, if not most, of the people in America today, prefer to suffer governmental oppression, rather than to pay the cost of freedom. So far, governmental oppression is not too heavy; people can still do almost anything they wish - if they can get a permit."
- Henry Lamb
How much more do you think we will, collectively, have to take before we start taking some real action? I know for a FACT that I'm not the only who is seeing the writing on the wall. Although one can only guess at the actual number of citizens that are discontent. My guess is, based on all the indicators, it has to be in the millions.
What will it take to have us begin to earnestly take action in securing our Freedom? Both for ourselves and our progeny? Will it take a horrific act by an increasingly despicable government? Or, will it take A HUGE NUMBER OF HORRIFIC ACTS? The message to government needs to be LOUD and CLEAR - RESUME your INTENDED POSITION, and FULFILL your INTENDED purposes. And, while so doing, LEAVE OUR RIGHTS, the
There, I feel better now...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Can't quite figure this one out....

China issues 1st white paper on democracy(10/19/05)
Further info touching this topic can be found at The War on Guns and Blognomicon
The Information Office of China's State Council issued on October 19 a white paper on China's political democracy, vowing to actively push forward the reforms of its political system although, it said, tremendous achievements had been scored in this regard.
The white paper, issued by the Information Office of China's State Council, or the cabinet, is the first of its kind in China, giving a detailed account of the inception, development and contents of the socialist political democracy and the principles the country will abide by.
The document, titled Building of Political Democracy in China, also points out the problems the country has to overcome and major steps to be taken in the reforms of its political system.
The socialist political democracy "is the apt choice suited to China's conditions and meeting the requirement of social progress," said the white paper. (this is the first I've heard of paper talking).
Such democracy has enabled the Chinese people, who account for one fifth of the world's population, "to become masters of their own country and society, and enjoy extensive democratic rights," the white paper says.
In building socialist political democracy, China has always adhered to the basic principle that the Marxist theory of democracy be combined with the reality of China, it says.
In the process, China has also borrowed from the useful achievements of the political civilization of mankind, including Western democracy, and assimilated the democratic elements of from China's traditional culture and institutional civilization.
"Therefore, China's socialist political democracy shows distinctive Chinese characteristics," says the white paper.
Such characteristics are as follows:
-- China's democracy is a people's democracy under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
-- China's democracy is a democracy in which the overwhelming majority of the people act as masters of State affairs.
-- China's democracy is a democracy guaranteed by the people's democratic dictatorship.
-- China's democracy is a democracy with democratic centralism as the basic organizational principle and mode of operation.
Okay, then! Am I the only one to see a distinct problem here? I know that WALMART and GOOGLE have swallowed this. But, personally, I'm having a little problem understanding this position.
This makes our Constitutional misinterpretations look like a cakewalk! And given that statement about borrowing from Western Democracy, it is starting to become more clear which direction our politicians are leading us!
Let's continue, shall we? Can someone tell me what a Marxist Socialist Political Democracy, under the leadership of the communist party and guaranteed by a democratic DICTATORSHIP is?
There's something really, really wrong going on here! Don't have the ammunition to blast it, yet. But, I think we need to keep our eyes WIDE OPEN! Blognomicon hasn't been black-balled, yet. (Try posting in Chinese and see how fast you get nailed). But GunShowOnTheNet did two, three months back. You see, I put on the blog "To HELL with Tyrants!" in a number of different languages. Including two different Chinese dialects. They lasted approximately 12 hours - then 'poof' gone! Or rather scrambled beyond recognition, I should say. (Funny thing about that, as this was well before Sergey's announcement, and doesn't Google own Blogger?)
Isn't there something wrong in supporting a government that is repressive of the Rights of its people? Yet, every single time we buy something made in China. We aid in the continued oppression of its people. Wonder what the Founders would think about that? Or, does anybody even care what the men, who brought us freedom, would think?
Anyone who values TRUE FREEDOM, would surely want to deeply consider the merit of buying products from a DICTATORSHIP. By any other name it can be called, it's still TYRANNY!
And, here is an add-on; My coffee pot went out earlier. The only store open at midnight is, of course, WalMart! So, despite my distaste, (hypocrisy - ON), I caved and went there. I AM A COFFEEHOLIC, I MUST HAVE MY COFFEE. To curb my guilt, I thought to myself, I'll get a U.S. made coffee-maker. WRONG! Every last coffee-maker known to mankind is made in China!
This causes another train of thought. Just what DO we make in the U.S.? Anything? What in the HELL is happening to US? Never mind, think I answered my own question.
ONE more thing! Decided to look into the LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS of my Hypocritical Act. And, much to my dismay, I discovered that I'm guilty of Aiding and Abetting;
intr. & tr.v. aid·ed, aid·ing, aids
1. The act or result of helping; assistance.
4. A monetary payment to a feudal lord by a vassal in medieval England.

tr.v. a·bet·ted, a·bet·ting, a·bets
1. To approve, encourage, and support (an action or a plan of action); urge and help on.
2. To urge, encourage, or help (a person): abetted the thief in robbing the bank.
Guilt and Coffee, yeah, I'll have NO PROBLEM sleeping tonight!

Taking Up Arms....

Now, HOW come we don't hear much about THIS one?
Continental Congress,
Declaration of Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms
July 6, 1775
A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms.
If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason, to believe, that the Divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, the Inhabitants of these Colonies might at least require from the Parliament of Great Britain some evidence, that this dreadful authority over them, has been granted to that body. But a reverence for our great Creator, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense, must convince all those who reflect upon the subject, that government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind, and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end. The legislature of Great Britain, however, stimulated by an inordinate passion for a power, not only unjustifiable, but which they know to be peculiarly reprobated by the very constitution of that kingdom, and desperate of success in any mode of contest, where regard should be had to truth, law, or right, have at length, deserting those, attempted to effect their cruel and impolitic purpose of enslaving these Colonies by violence, and have thereby rendered it necessary for us to close with their last appeal from Reason to Arms. - Yet, however blinded that assembly may be, by their intemperate rage for unlimited domination, so to slight justice and the opinion of mankind, we esteem ourselves bound, by obligations of respect to the rest of the world, to make known the justice of our cause.
Our forefathers, inhabitants of the island of Great Britain, left their native land, to seek on these shores a residence for civil and religious freedom. At the expence of their blood, at the hazard of their fortunes, without the least charge to the country from which they removed, by unceasing labor, and an unconquerable spirit, they effected settlements in the distant and inhospitable wilds of America, then filled with numerous and warlike nations of barbarians. Societies or governments, vested with perfect legislatures, were formed under charters from the crown, and an harmonious intercourse was established between the colonies and the kingdom from which they derived their origin. The mutual benefits of this union became in a short time so extraordinary, as to excite astonishment. It is universally confessed, that the amazing increase of the wealth, strength, and navigation of the realm, arose from this source; and the minister, who so wisely and successfully directed the measures of Great Britain in the late war, publicly declared, that these colonies enabled her to triumph over her enemies. - Towards the conclusion of that war, it pleased our sovereign to make a change in his counsels. - From that fatal moment, the affairs of the British empire began to fall into confusion, and gradually sliding from the summit of glorious prosperity, to which they had been advanced by the virtues and abilities of one man, are at length distracted by the convulsions, that now shake it to its deepest foundations. The new ministry finding the brave foes of Britain, though frequently defeated, yet still contending, took up the unfortunate idea of granting them a hasty peace, and of then subduing her faithful friends.
These devoted colonies were judged to be in such a state, as to present victories without bloodshed, and all the easy emoluments of statuteable plunder. - The uninterrupted tenor of their peaceable and respectful behaviour from the beginning of colonization, their dutiful, zealous, and useful services during the war, though so recently and amply acknowledged in the most honorable manner by his majesty, by the late king, and by Parliament, could not save them from the meditated innovations. - Parliament was influenced to adopt the pernicious project, and assuming a new power over them, have, in the course of eleven years, given such decisive specimens of the spirit and consequences attending this power, as to leave no doubt concerning the effects of acquiescence under it. They have undertaken to give and grant our money without our consent, though we have ever exercised an exclusive right to dispose of our own property; statutes have been passed for extending the jurisdiction of courts of Admiralty and Vice-Admiralty beyond their ancient limits; for depriving us of the accustomed and inestimable privilege of trial by jury, in cases affecting both life and property; for suspending the legislature of one of the colonies; for interdicting all commerce to the capital of another; and for altering fundamentally the form of government established by charter, and secured by acts of its own legislature solemnly confirmed by the crown; for exempting the "murderers" of colonists from legal trial, and in effect, from punishment; for erecting in a neighboring province, acquired by the joint arms of Great Britain and America, a despotism dangerous to our very existence; and for quartering soldiers upon the colonists in time of profound peace. It has also been resolved in parliament, that colonists charged with committing certain offences, shall be transported to England to be tried.
But why should we enumerate our injuries in detail? By one statute it is declared, that parliament can "of right make laws to bind us IN ALL CASES WHATSOEVER." What is to defend us against so enormous, so unlimited a power? Not a single man of those who assume it, is chosen by us; or is subject to our controul or influence; but, on the contrary, they are all of them exempt from the operation of such laws, and an American revenue, if not diverted from the ostensible purposes for which it is raised, would actually lighten their own burdens in proportion as they increase ours. We saw the misery to which such despotism would reduce us. We for ten years incessantly and ineffectually besieged the Throne as supplicants; we reasoned, we remonstrated with parliament, in the most mild and decent language. But Administration, sensible that we should regard these oppressive measures as freemen ought to do, sent over fleets and armies to enforce them. The indignation of the Americans was roused, it is true; but it was the indignation of a virtuous, loyal, and affectionate people. A Congress of Delegates from the United Colonies was assembled at Philadelphia, on the fifth day of last September. We resolved again to offer an humble and dutiful petition to the King, and also addressed our fellow-subjects of Great Britain. We have pursued every temperate, every respectful measure: we have even proceeded to break off our commercial intercourse with our fellow-subjects, as the last peaceable admonition, that our attachment to no nation upon earth should supplant our attachment to liberty. - This, we flattered ourselves, was the ultimate step of the controversy: But subsequent events have shewn, how vain was this hope of finding moderation in our enemies.
Several threatening expressions against the colonies were inserted in his Majesty's speech; our petition, though we were told it was a decent one, and that his Majesty had been pleased to receive it graciously, and to promise laying it before his Parliament, was buddled into both houses amongst a bundle of American papers, and there neglected. The Lords and Commons in their address, in the month of February, said, that "a rebellion at that time actually existed within the province of Massachusetts bay; and that those concerned in it, had been countenanced and encouraged by unlawful combinations and engagements, entered into by his Majesty's subjects in several of the other colonies; and therefore they besought his Majesty, that he would take the most effectual measures to enforce due obedience to the laws and authority of the supreme legislature." - Soon after, the commercial intercourse of whole colonies, with foreign countries, and with each other, was cut off by an act of Parliament; by another, several of them were entirely prohibited from the fisheries in the seas near their coasts, on which they always depended for their sustenance; and large re-inforcements of ships and troops were immediately sent over to General Gage.
Fruitless were all the entreaties, arguments, and eloquence of an illustrious band of the most distinguished Peers, and Commoners, who nobly and strenuously asserted the justice of our cause, to stay, or even to mitigate the heedless fury with which these accumulated and unexampled outrages were hurried on. - Equally fruitless was the interference of the city of London, of Bristol, and many other respectable towns in our favour. Parliament adopted an insidious manoeuvre calculated to divide us, to establish a perpetual auction of taxations where colony should bid against colony, all of them uninformed what ransom would redeem their lives; and thus to extort from us, at the point of the bayonet, the unknown sums that should be sufficient to gratify, if possible to gratify, ministerial rapacity, with the miserable indulgence left to us of raising, in our own mode, the prescribed tribute. What terms more rigid and humiliating could have been dictated by remorseless victors to conquered enemies? In our circumstances to accept them, would be to deserve them.
Soon after the intelligence of these proceedings arrived on this continent, General Gage, who in the course of the last year had taken possession of the town of Boston, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, and still occupied it as a garrison, on the 19th day of April, sent out from that place a large detachment of his army, who made an unprovoked assault on the inhabitants of the said province, at the town of Lexington, as appears by the affidavits of a great number of persons, some of whom were officers and soldiers of that detachment, murdered eight of the inhabitants, and wounded many others. From thence the troops proceeded in warlike array to the town of Concord, where they set upon another party of the inhabitants of the same province, killing several and wounding more, until compelled to retreat by the country people suddenly assembled to repel this cruel aggression. Hostilities, thus commenced by the British troops, have been since prosecuted by them without regard to faith or reputation. - The inhabitants of Boston being confined within that town by the General their Governor, and having, in order to procure their dismission, entered into a treaty with him, it was stipulated that the said inhabitants having deposited their arms with their own magistrates, should have liberty to depart, taking with them their other effects. They accordingly delivered up their arms, but in open violation of honor, in defiance of the obligation of treaties, which even savage nations esteemed sacred, the Governor ordered the arms deposited as aforesaid, that they might be preserved for their owners, to be seized by a body of soldiers; detained the greatest part of the inhabitants in the town, and compelled the few who were permitted to retire, to leave their most valuable effects behind.
By this perfidy wives are separated from their husbands, children from their parents, the aged and the sick from their relations and friends, who wish to attend and comfort them; and those who have been used to live in plenty and even elegance, are reduced to deplorable distress.
The General, further emulating his ministerial masters, by a proclamation bearing date on the 12th day of June, after venting the grossest falsehoods and calumnies against the good people of these colonies, proceeds to "declare them all, either by name or description, to be rebels and traitors, to supersede the course of the common law, and instead thereof to publish and order the use and exercise of the law martial." - His troops have butchered our countrymen, have wantonly burnt Charles-Town, besides a considerable number of houses in other places; our ships and vessels are seized; the necessary supplies of provisions are intercepted, and he is exerting his utmost power to spread destruction and devastation around him.
We have received certain intelligence that General Carleton, the Governor of Canada, is instigating the people of that province and the Indians to fall upon us; and we have but too much reason to apprehend, that schemes have been formed to excite domestic enemies against us. In brief, a part of these colonies now feels, and all of them are sure of feeling, as far as the vengance of administration can inflict them, the complicated calamities of fire, sword, and famine. - We are reduced to the alternative of chusing an unconditional submission to the tyranny of irritated ministers, or resistance by force. - The latter is our choice. - We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. - Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary bondage upon them.
Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. Our internal resources are great, and, if necessary, foreign assistance is undoubtedly attainable. - We gratefully acknowledge, as signal instances of the Divine favour towards us, that his Providence would not permit us to be called into this severe controversy, until we were grown up to our present strength, had been previously exercised in warlike operation, and possessed of the means of defending ourselves. - With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, before God and the world, declare, that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers, which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverance, employ for the presevation of our liberties; being with our [one] mind resolved to dye Free-men rather than live Slaves.
Lest this declaration should disquiet the minds of our friends and fellow-subjects in any part of the empire, we assure them that we mean not to dissolve that Union which has so long and so happily subsisted between us, and which we sincerely wish to see restored. - Necessity has not yet driven us into that desperate measure, or induced us to excite any other nation to war against them. - We have not raised armies with ambitious designs of separating from Great Britain, and establishing independent states. We fight not for glory or for conquest. We exhibit to mankind the remarkable spectacle of a people attacked by unprovoked enemies, without any imputation or even suspicion of offence. They boast of their privileges and civilization, and yet proffer no milder conditions than servitude or death.
In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birth-right, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it - for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.
With an humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and thereby to relieve the empire from the calamities of civil war.

Friday, January 27, 2006

So, we can MAKE them, but we can't possess them?

In the letter of May 15, to Mr. Ternant, I mentioned, that, in answer to the complaints of the British minister against the exportation of arms from the United States, it had been observed, that the manufacture of arms was the occupation and livelihood of some of our citizens; that it ought not to be expected that a war among other nations should produce such an internal derangement of the occupations of a nation at peace, as the suppression of a manufacture which is the support of some of its citizens....
- Thomas Jefferson, to Edmond Charles Genet, November 30, 1793
In one of these memorials, it is stated, that arms and military accoutrements are now buying up by a French agent in this Country with an intent to export them to France. We have answered that our Citizens have been always free to make, vend and export arms, that it is the constant occupation and livelihood of some of them. To suppress their callings, the only means, perhaps, of their subsistence, because a war exists in foreign and distant countries, in which we have no concern, would scarcely be expected. It would be hard in principle and impossible in practice. The law of nations, therefore, respecting the rights of those at peace, has not required from them such an internal derangement in their occupations. It is satisfied with the external penalty pronounced in the President's proclamation, that of confiscation of such portion of these arms as shall fall into the hands of any of the belligerent powers, on their way to the ports of their enemies. To this penalty our citizens are warned that they will be abandoned; and that the purchase of arms here, may work no inequality between the parties at war, the liberty to make them will be enjoyed equally by both.
- Thomas Jefferson, to Jean Baptiste Ternant, May 15, 1793
Well, frankly Tom, I must say I'm flabbergasted! Why, you ask? Well, if the citizens are allowed to MAKE ARMS wouldn't that mean they can have them in their possession? Yes, that is what would seem NATURAL to me as well, Tom. However, that is NOT what is transpiring in many of the states, presently! And even the Federal government has excersized control over them! Calm down, and I'll tell you what I mean!
You see, Tom, many of the states have deliberately either restricted or taken away entirely their citizens RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms! And the Federal has instituted controls and regulations on buying them as well. And these regulations and restrictions are escalating! Yes, Tom, you and I both know that it's against the law! However, I'm telling you that is what is happening now! The People have TRIED to Redress this grievance! Time and again! But the courts just won't listen! Yes, Tom, ESPECIALLY the Supreme Court!
Now, Tom, I'm just the messenger! And I refuse to be called names like that!
I know, Tom, and I'm so terribly sorry. I know how hard that you and the others worked so that the People could be Free. But, Tom, it is not as if you, and the others did not warn them!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

This is just so, unbelievably, wrong....

(Click title of post to view article)
Article found on
And, here is a late-breaking twist to this article, thanks to David Codrea from
Do a Google search on Susan Stori and you'll find she's the Legislative resaearch / Issues Watch Chair of the St. Croix County Democrat party. Passing herself off as just an ordinary citizen writing a letter to the editor is the height of dishonesty--she is a political operative with an agenda. Of course, I expect the newspaper knows that...
I hereby enter into evidence the following;
(Look at Page 2 Left-side column)
Should one so desire, they may contact Susan at the following;
What follows is my reply to this 'tripe', as sent to the author and to the editor at The Capital Times in Madison, WI.;
Following is my response to the above article. This response has been posted on a Nation-Wide Forum. Which receives commentary on articles, such as Susan's, from around the world.
Dear Susan,Your article, which closed with the following, at the next to last sentence;...and concentrating on ways to truly improve public safety....
Caused me to write the following rebuttal;
Funny you should mention that, Susan! Especially after all the drool you slobbered, before the final 'nugget', near the end of your drivel.
It is that 'nugget' which I will expound upon, Susan. Now, be a good little troll and get back up into your high-chair.
You see, Susan. The 'ways to truly improve public safety', have ALREADY been laid out. Many, many years ago. This of course, was previous to the time in which creatures like yourself were spawned.
The Framers of our Constitution, who had neglected to put obvious inference to the people's RKBA. Did so, because they couldn't perceive that there would arise urchins of hell, yes - much like you Susan. Urchins, that could possibly think that the RKBA, was not a NATURAL one.
There were those, however, that caught this oversight, and insisted there be mention of this right. Hence, the entrance of the Bill of Rights, Susan! So that little despicable, whining, irresponsible creatures, such as yourself. Couldn't whine, kick, piss and moan til they got their way.
Now, wipe up the drool, be a good little troll and go back to your sandbox!
(What follows below is the expansion of the comment left on KABA, which was included in the rebuttal sent to the author, and editor of The Capital Times.)
Are you even aware of the INTENTIONS of our Constitution or Bill of Rights, Susan? As well as the reasoning and IMPORTANCE of them?
Your contention is to let those in government 'protect' us? Fine job they did on 9/11, eh? And, how about the robust job they are doing along the border with Mexico? Over 216 armed incursions onto Sovereign U.S. soil by FOREIGN Military troops? And, you would have us be at the total mercy of grossly negligent, corrupt and greedy politicians?
You need to do some study on American history, Susan! We are supposed to be a Free Republic, governed by a Constitution! And, as pointed out by Mr. Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist #28;
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government...
You seem to lack the comprehension as to why our Founders wanted ALL Citizens ARMED. It was to discourage any thought by government of attempt to establish a TYRANNY! It is a VITAL SAFEGUARD, erected to ensure against corruption in government! It was so the People could repel ANY attackers, whether they be Foreign or Domestic!
Editor; if you value the monetary gain derived from your readers, it may be wise to reexamine what is placed in your paper! The press was SUPPOSED to be one of the Safeguards set in place by the Founders. The function of it, was to warn all citizens of potential harm that may arise from government!
If this paper has any moral clarity, at all. It will perform a reevaluation of its intentions and motives! And, instead of acting as a tool of the 'elite'. Will return to the knowledge of providing a venue for truth to its readers! Lies, like paper sacks, only hold water for so long!
With Utter Contempt,
E. David Quammen
Okay! After taking into consideration the subtilty of Susan Stori, (Thanks, again to David Codrea from The War on Guns, for the heads up!). There is now a FULL-FLEDGED DECLARATION OF WAR! Anyone found to be aiding and abetting the USURPERS, will be RUTHLESSLY Blogged! (Wish it could be Flogged! Who knows....IT COULD HAPPEN!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And, a word of WARNING from THE MAN, to the USURPERS;

Isaiah 10:1-4
Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness [which] they have prescribed;
To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and [that] they may rob the fatherless!
And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation [which] shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand [is] stretched out still.
(You blind leaders of the blind! Do you think that you shall escape HIS WRATH?)
Why don't you argue that one, S.C.O.T.U.S.?
And what say you Congress?
Don't think you'll be able to 'duck' HIM!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Erecting a Police State in America - A Very Bad Plan

The following is the Title-Linked Article in it's entirty.

As originally printed on

American Chronicle
By Nancy Levant
January 23, 2006
As a response to 911, our elected representatives have given to the American people, via many statutes, The Department of Homeland Security - a civilian agency. They have also broadened the national powers and militarized FEMA.
Equally, C.O.P.S. (Community Oriented Policing Services) has been massively and federally funded to set up private policing patrols in most, if not all, of the new deed-restricted and “planned” communities where many American citizens now live. These policed communities are being raised in every state in the nation – rapidly.
City and county law enforcement are now required to cross-train with military, and those lines have now blurred. All across our nation, para-military forces, including foreign troops at our Southern border, are performing practice drills – over and over and over again.
A full-blown Martial Law system, which includes the “suspension” of the Constitution of the United States, has been set into stone by presidential Executive Orders. Most of these orders were declared prior to 911, but for the sake of this article, we will overlook that fact for now.
Without question, our elected representatives have rapidly erected plans for a police state in our nation. Now, let’s assume that their decisions to raise a paramilitary police state in the United States of America are merely a response to 911. For now, we will also overlook the thousands upon thousands of treaties, charters, compacts, and “partnership” bureaucracies that were signed and implemented behind our backs – the ones with direct links to the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the Organization of American States, for example. However, we will put all of this aside for now.
But let’s get to the issue of homeland security, as in securing our form of government and the freedoms guaranteed to the people of the 50 United States. Post 911, our elected representatives raised a new homeland security system, which includes full-blown and documented plans for 1) the suspension of our Constitution, 2) military rule of the nation, and 3) a national populace stripped of their civil rights – all of them.
With this in mind, I suggest to you the following:
Our elected have no authority whatsoever, explicit or implicit, to plan for the suspension of our Constitutional form of government, as they are sworn by oath, and by the income we pay them, to its upholding and defense.
Martial Law in the United States of America will result in unthinkable and unintended consequences.
That organizing a paramilitary system, with powers to suspend Constitutional authority and government is, at best, detrimental to the nation, its people, and a very shortsighted and dangerous plan.
Should a police state ensue, it will result in permanent and sweeping societal and governmental changes. All nations that lost their governmental structures, and citizens who lost all civil rights due to military take-over, never woke up one sunny, magical morning and found their governments and rights restored. If in doubt, I refer you to South and Central America for the results of paramilitary take-over.
No American citizen, including some in office, wants Martial Law, a police state, and military dictatorship EVEN IF there IS another 911, or worse. In fact, that would be the worst thing that could possibly happen. Stay with me and I will tell you why.
Our elected representatives have not exercised clear, Constitutional authority by planning for, much less erecting, a full-blown police state, and with the full intention of suspending our nation’s government.
Is there a homeland security problem? Yes, indeed, there is. Have our representatives devised an emergency response system that has enormous potential for unthinkable consequences? Yes, they certainly have. On this point, I am in total agreement with the ACLU.
So, the question begs – why would our elected representatives make unconstitutional decisions to raise a new national security system that is fraught with danger BEFORE using their Constitutional authority, which not only permits them to LEGALLY defend against violations of law, insurrections, and/or invasions, but is clearly defined within the Constitution, as well? When our Constitution contains an amendment, as well as Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16, which were written SPECIFICALLY to address homeland security due to violations of law, insurrections, and/or invasions, and specific instructions on how to defend and protect all of the states in the nation, why did our representatives completely ignore this amendment and instead step wholly out of their legal authority to devise a police/military dictatorship? Excuse me, but planning to destroy our Constitution and our national independence is a criminal act. No one inside of government or otherwise has the legal authority to devise such a plan.
When our elected representatives are employing inappropriate and dangerous means, of any kind, that could result in a police state, which they devised, they are acting outside of any legal authority AND they are not following their LEGAL book of instructions for securing the homeland. Usurping the governmental structure of this nation by erecting a police state is not only fundamentally destructive; it is also a criminal act in this nation. Law is law.
So, to our representatives, I say this: Instead of illegally shredding the Constitution, how about using the document you swore to uphold to secure this nation – if that is, indeed, your intent. Planning and erecting a dictatorship in the United States, using synthetic and “what if” scenarios and hysteria to do so, is beyond stupid. Equally, you are affirmatively destroying the structure that employs you. Your shortsightedness is, frankly, astounding! Equally astounding is your refusal to look to the Constitution for answers, assuming you are looking for answers.
Now, to my readers, as WE are law-abiding people, we, too, must look to our Constitution for homeland security. But first, let’s look at some historical parallels to our current condition, which serve to clarify our current and terribly vulnerable condition, thanks to our elected and their gun controlling means and methods.
Consider the French and Indian Wars. During those times, many “enemies” of the settlers were unknown entities and potentially anywhere and everywhere. Colonists had to deal with the international war between the French and English, which drew them into a rather irregular war, and they also had to deal with Tory and Indian bands, which were more akin to today’s terrorism-style conflicts. Those wars were a mix of undeclared conflicts and a declared war, but more akin to “terrorism” threats. People had to be prepared for just about anything, at any time, and attack by multiple means and numbers. Then consider the Revolutionary War, which immediately followed, a declared and international war. The founding fathers of the United States were very familiar with both the French and Indian conflicts AND declared and international warfare. These men had experienced and seen it all. And this is specifically why they worded the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution as follows:
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Now, the founding fathers of this nation, having had experience with undeclared and declared conflicts and wars, specifically placed homeland security powers and authority into the hands of the each of the states’ militias, which were not only necessary to the security of each state, but were also MANDATORY. Via the Colonial and State Militia Acts of that time, every male between the ages of 16 and 60 were REQUIRED to be in service to the defense of their states and, if necessary, their nation.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms was absolutely understood by the founding fathers as necessary to the “security” of “free” states. Therefore, a “free state” is one in which the population of that state is always armed IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN that state’s security. This is not rocket science. Reinstate the Constitutional definition of “militias,” which were organizations specifically created to protect the homeland using a fully armed population, and you have homeland security. But how, you ask?
As with most historical perversions, the word “militia” now denotes something entirely different to the minds of American people. We now believe militias to be radical, fringe-type groups. However, from a Constitutional point of fact and law, the “Militia of several States” meant every male person, age 16 to 60, was required by law to 1) have adversary-worthy weapons in his home, maintained in proper working order and subject to inspection, and 2) a proper store of ammunition, and other accoutrements that were necessary to defend his city, state and/or nation.
Let me make this as plain as I can – The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America states that a well-regulated Militia is NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a free state, and therefore the defined Militia is to be 1) a fully armed population, 2) with arms and ammunitions in ALL homes, and 3) is NOT an option but a LEGAL DUTY of ALL male citizens. The right to keep and bear arms is, therefore, 1) an absolute, and 2) applies to all free male citizens, according to our 2nd Amendment (there are/were exceptions – most do not apply today being related to the legal ownership of slaves).
According to our purposefully ignored 2nd Amendment, which has also been politically perverted into a keep and bear-only mentality, the actual meaning of the 2nd Amendment IS homeland security. Consider the following: Imagine if America, today, had an entirely armed population, as did our Colonial ancestors in every state. Every man on every street is armed with standard, military issue weapons. Now, let us then consider how we would feel about our natural right of resistance and self-preservation to restrain the violence of ANY type of oppression, insurrection, or invasion.
The 2nd Amendment not only provides our elected representatives with a homeland security book of instructions, it also explains, explicitly, that in order to have freedom AND security simultaneously, a well-regulated Militia is “NECESSARY.” For any insurrections, you call up the Militia, which is every man, in any state, or in any neighborhood, on-call, every day of every year, and armed.
And again I say to the careerists in office, the Constitution solves the problem of securing the homeland. Not one of you can question the fact that a Militia is necessary to the security of a free state. The need for the reinstatement of the Militia of the several states is not an obscure fantasy. It is a conclusion of fact and law that the Constitution has adopted, and therefore applies to every public official. No public official can deny this conclusion, because every public official has taken an “oath or affirmation to support this constitution.”
In conclusion, I ask all gun-owning readers to please forward this article to your gun clubs and associations. I would like to see the NRA, the GOA, the NFA, the AFA, and all other gun associations take the lead and initiative to revisit what actually may have been the founding intent of their organizations. We need to lobby all state legislatures to introduce bills to reinstate the states’ militias according to the 2nd Amendment and the current state of American affairs. We the People have the legal right to raise the Constitutional Militia in each and every one of our states, and the proper way to do so is legislatively. The language of the Constitution will not be undermined. Nor is it up for reinterpretation by anyone. Legality is on our side.
We also know that ANY gun control, whatsoever, goes directly contrary to our 2nd Amendment rights SPECIFICALLY due to the fact that homeland security IS a dire fact of today’s world, and SPECIFICALLY due to the raising of a police state, which WILL disarm the public in order to succeed. You’ve heard the term “Gun-Free Zones?” How about Defense-Free Zones, or for that matter, how about a totally disarmed nation other than those in the police state? Have you ever heard the legal term “badge of slavery?” Disarmament is the first badge of slavery.
Also, what is the point of winning the battle against “terrorism” overseas if we lose the battle at home? Considering the absence of American troops from American soil for the last 100 years, what other option to homeland security is viable? Equally, and as history relays in one police state after another, usurpers and tyrants initiate criminal activities via secret-police-style apparatuses, spying, intelligence and investigatory agencies. Resistance networks tend to get “broken up” prior to armed force and public displays of the actual police state itself.
I would rather see America LEGALLY defended by her citizens than by a foreign/domestic-hybrid paramilitary force created by careerists and bureaucrats, who have unconstitutionally and illegally erected police state infrastructures all across the United States of America – and to what purpose and end only the globalists know, for now.
It’s time to take back our government and our Constitutional right and DUTY to defend our Constitution and constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. We have every legal right to do so, and our 2nd Amendment mandates that Militias of the several States (meaning every one of our states) be raised to secure this nation. Assuming the boys on the Hill will not be so inclined, we must demand that all of our states comply with the mandates of the 2nd Amendment. They cannot legally refuse to do so as they are subordinate to the Constitution and its 2nd Amendment.
For help in reinstating the Constitutional Militia via your state legislatures, contact Dr. Edwin Vieira via NewsWithViews.com. The answer to our vulnerability and our security is very simple and very absolute. Tyrants, usurpers with armies, and foreign terrorists are no match for a nationally armed population. The answer is so simple and clear. America must remain free and sovereign America. Therefore, you arm the full citizenry to secure freedom, as instructed by the 2nd Amendment. This IS homeland security.
We live in an environment inundated by ignorance and disinformation. Therefore, it is understandable why we have lacked for so long any social solidarity or sense of mutual reliance upon each other as American people. We have been purposefully, covertly, divided into paranoid separatist groups via the liberal/conservative, young/old, religion and pigmentation divide mechanisms. I suggest that being a part of your state’s militia will help you to remember that you are an American, with rights and freedom first and foremost, and that your neighbors – all of them – have and are the same.
We need to be united once more as a nationality that is based upon free people and THEIR government. We have to be united, because 1) a police state cannot possibly exist under the Constitution, but is being planned nonetheless, and 2) by defining “homeland security” as a centralized bureaucratic apparatus that interlinks intelligence agencies, police departments and programs, community special forces, FEMA, technological surveillance and databases, and the Armed Forces, Congress has evaded its DUTY “to call forth the Militia, as mandated by Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16 of the Constitution, to execute the LAWS of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” Instead they have invented and erected an anti-constitutional infrastructure for Martial Law, military take-over, and a police state. This was a remarkably stupid thing to do.
For all of you who have asked ten thousand times what you can do – this is it. I suggest you begin with your gun associations and Dr. Edwin Vieira via NewsWithViews.com. We have to get bills introduced into the state legislatures to reinstate the Militias of the several States.
In understanding your Constitutional rights and obligations, the true power (and duty) to understand the Constitutional Militia lies in Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16. The 2nd Amendment emphasizes the importance of these clauses because its statement that "a well regulated Militia [is] necessary to the security of a free State" ties down the interrelationship so well, and binds all public officials to accept, follow, and implement it – no questions asked. But, as a matter of law, the Militia do not depend on the 2nd Amendment. Even if there were no 2nd Amendment, the powers/duties of the Militia would be the same. We’re getting smarter every day! Now let’s get the job done! We need the help and power of our gun associations, and we need them now. Start emailing, calling, and forwarding. Also refer them to Dr. Edwin Vieira for guidance.

Martin had a Dream, Thomas had a Confidence. Neither have fully come true.

"My confidence is that there will for a long time be virtue and good sense enough in our countrymen to correct abuses."
- Thomas Jefferson
(letter to Edward Rutledge, 1788)
From The Patriot Post
Not only has Tom's confidence not come true. But we are very close to the point where the perverted gov will see to it, that it NEVER will!
America - WAKE UP!

Friday, January 20, 2006

The first weapon banners......

I now have the appropriate name for Gun-Banners. And it goes WAY back! However, it has been used as a disparaging term for a number of years. The first recorded instance of one people banning another people's right to be armed, is the....
This is outlined in the Book of 1st Samuel in the Bible;
So this is now the Official GunShowOnTheNet term for people such as;
Jim Brady
Sarah Brady
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Susan Collins
Kent Conrad
Jon Corzine
Thomas Daschle
Mark Dayton
Mike DeWine
Christopher Dodd
Byron Dorgan
Richard Durbin
John Edwards
Diane Feinstein
Peter Fitzgerald
Al Gore
Bob Graham
Judd Gregg
Tom Harkin
Ernest Hollings
Daniel Inouye
James Jeffords
Edward Kennedy
John Kerry
Herbert Kohl
Kate Krisik
Frank Lautenberg
Patrick Leahy
Joseph Leiberman
Carl Levin
Blanche Lincoln
Richard Lugar
Barbara Milkulski
Patty Murray
Bill Nelson
Mark Pryor
Jack Redd
John Rockefeller
Paul Sarbanes
Charles Schumer
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Gordon Smith
Olympia Snowe
Debbie Stabenow
George Voinovich
John Warner
Ron Wyden
All people listed above, in addition to being TRAITORS to your fellow countrymen, can now be called by your REAL name;

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Open letter of response to Jim and Sarah Brady

This is an excerpt from the Brady letter linked to the title of this post;
(Excerpt as found on Keep and Bear Arms)
"His constituents may not have noticed, but readers of Gun Week, a specialty trade rag catering to firearm enthusiasts, know all about Sen. John Giannetti's role in killing legislation to ban assault weapons in Maryland."
..."And because of Giannetti, semiautomatic assault weapons remain freely available in Maryland, even as gun violence escalates in Prince George's, Baltimore, and in the state's other cities."
'We've decided to make it clear, and to make it clear early, that we think the voters of District 21 should send this guy home,' said Jim Brady, chair of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'He was elected to represent the people of Prince George's and Anne Arundel, but he spends most of time sucking up to special interests. He's just an awful, awful elected official.'"
And following is my Open Response to Jim and Sarah Brady, as well as their minion Peter Hamm;
Even more awful is attempts at treason and subversion, Jim. Your short-sighted vengence has made you a despicable creature. There are people that have life a whole lot worse than you can ever imagine. Like little children starving to death in their mothers arms. That is a 'worthy' cause to champion, Jim. Yet, I see no outcry from you on that score.
Your whining and justification for impelling the usurpation of our God-Given and Constitutionally protected Rights is shameful. Your judgment is plainly clouded by resentment. You advocate leaving innocent people wide-open to becoming victims of inherent evil. Your morals and scruples have been compromised. And now Jim, YOU are even worse of an inherent evil than the man that shot you.
I did not hear Ronald Reagan whimper and moan after he was shot, Jim. He took it like a man, and he was much older than you! No, you are actively trying to undermine the whole Foundation of OUR Country! The main reason for the Founders ensuring the RIGHT of THE PEOPLE to Keep and Bear Arms, was to REPEL ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN or DOMESTIC! By your cowardly whimpering, you have directly contributed to a great many deaths already! Yet you remain, selfishly, unsatisfied! You, Peter and Sarah are ALL TRAITORS to your fellowman and Country!
You have perversely and unceasingly attacked the RIGHTS of your fellow citizens. Not caring, in the slightest, for the number of people that have died because they were unable to defend themselves! You are GUILTY of TREASON, Jim! And are an accomplice to MURDER! You are deemed worthy of an ETERNITY in that chair! Do you think that you shall escape the Judgement of God for your perversion? That you were so weak that you could not bear the burden that was handed to you? That you caused the robbery of your fellowman of the ability to defend him/herself and their families?
You, and simular spawn of hell as you, are cowards and irresponsible, lazy infants! For you demand that OTHERS put their lives on the line for your defense! You are a very sorry example of manhood! There are people that have a valid excuse to rely on the protection offered by others! For they are UNABLE, for many different reasons, of being able to protect themselves! And, that is one of the responsibilities of an armed citizen - to PROTECT their neighbor and offer a defense for those who cannot defend themselves!
You and your ILK are treacherously evil examples of the worst type of human beings! There is merit in your earthly sufferings!

Finally, someone who knows the Truth....

“Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.”
“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
“There is an option still left to the United States of America, that it is in their choice and depends upon their conduct, whether they will be respectable and prosperous or contemptible and miserable as a Nation.”
- George Washington
Hey, wait a minute! That was over 200 years ago!
What the HELL has happened to US?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Okay, you DC MORONS....

Hey, did you hear the one about the Biggest, baddest, most heavily armed Country on the earth letting armed foreign soldiers and gangs cross its borders?
Yeah, it's happening RIGHT HERE in the good ol' USA!
The invaders are using classic incursion tactics - illegally crossing our border from Mexico, and probing to find the weak spots. And then OUR government tells OUR agency officials, that are supposed to be guarding OUR border, to hide and lay low? This, after having a number of FIREFIGHTS with the INTRUDERS!
Hide? Lay low? Instead of telling them to BLAST the invaders?
And, this has been going on for years! If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself here;
American Patrol Report - Up to date news on Foreign incursions onto U.S. Sovereign soil. According to a DHS document in a article by Daily Bulletin, there have been, (known, at least), 216 incursions into the United States by Mexican soldiers since 1996!
You treasonous vipers!
First you allowed MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIENS to INVADE OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY, so you could have 'cheap' labor. Thus taking the jobs AWAY from AMERICAN CITIZENS. And, only God knows if these illegals have armed themselves!
And then you tell OUR GUYS to hide and lay low? You ARE TRAITORS and COWARDS! And worthy of the FATE of TRAITORS and COWARDS!
This is happening as I write! These Foreign soldiers and gangs are coming up from Mexico! Our 'supposed' 'representatives' have and are continuing to BETRAY us!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Man, George is REALLY pissed....

“It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it.
- George Washington
(Well, you see George, many of us would be happy to excersize our personal services to the defense. But, alas, our current government is taking the tools used for defense out of the hands of the people. No, George, you see they think themselves superior, to you and the other founders, and that they are the only ones who should have control of the tools for defense. Yes, I know that is NOT what you had intended. But, sadly, that is what they are doing!)

Is it just me? (And a few MILLION others)....

"One single object...[will merit] the endless gratitude of the society: that of restraining the judges from usurping legislation."
- Thomas Jefferson
You, and I can read, obviously. And, it appears that we can comprehend that which is written. Can someone tell me why, the people in the various departments of government, have such a hard time understanding the INTENT of the Framers in our Founding Documents? I mean, these people are educated. They went to institutions of, supposedly, 'higher-learning'! Yet, they seem to have great difficulty in grasping the TRUTH. Truths, that are so plain, that a grade-school level child can readily see the meaning!
The problem, as outlined above, can only have two plausible explanations; Either, those in government have a crystal-clear understanding as to the intent of the Framers. And are actively working at subverting OUR Constitution. Or, they are so illiterate, that they cannot understand the TRUE meaning. Either way, these people are a clear and present danger to the REST of US!

Monday, January 16, 2006

I knew there was something not quite right......

"Natural rights [are] the objects for the protection of which society is formed and municipal laws established."

- Thomas Jefferson
(Letter to James Monroe, 1791)
Founders' Quote Daily
I wonder if the perverse and corrupt politicians, who think they are in 'power', ever feel guilty for their perversions?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Now this GROUP has a GOOD IDEA....

Bold, But Doable
All of our civil rights are under attack. No ‘single issue’ rights group has successfully restored any lost right or even stemmed the erosion or practical seizure of a right – including the venerable NRA. It is time for the members of these rights groups to understand the inherent limitations of ‘single issue’ skirmishes led by lobbying organizations." It is time for the People themselves to join forces and act collectively. Government, at all levels, must be forced back within the limits of the state and federal Constitutions.”
We announced that we were going to develop the We The People Congress to become “the nationwide force that will institutionalize and organize citizen vigilance.”
Thousands of people joined the Congress as Members. Hundreds signed on as voluntary County and State coordinators.
After two years of fits and starts and admittedly limited progress, the Congress has finally readied a bold and achievable business plan, based upon a fundamental redesign and reorganization of its core strategy and management structure. With the support of the membership, the Plan will enable the Congress to quickly “step up” and become the nationwide, organized force of Constitutional activists originally conceived.
To begin, it is time to recognize that the mission of the Congress will not, and cannot be achieved solely through volunteers -- no matter their level of commitment. Such is not in the natural order.
The battle for Freedom and Liberty with order is, in truth, an on-going struggle of major proportions, not unlike that of any war. It requires managers (i.e., “generals”) and a professional organization of skilled, fully dedicated personnel to assemble and organize the available resources, plan the tactics, support the troops and execute the attacks. And as in war, the army and its operations must also be adequately financed -- ultimately by those who seek its protection.
We trust you will agree that the time has come for a significant step-change in the activities of We The People Congress, if it is to fulfill its Mission and become an instrument of the People to restore the Constitution to its rightful place of honor. With your help we will further the concept of assembling a critical mass of People, under a common, professionally managed organization, dedicated to repelling all acts that would weaken the Constitution, by institutionalizing civic education, monitoring of government, and organized resistance against unconstitutional and illegal behavior by government officials.
This is A VERY GOOD IDEA! Am convinced it has much more chance of effecting change than anything else I've read. Would strongly urge ALL to TAKE A GOOD, LONG LOOK AT THIS!