In the beginning, David Codrea, author of The War on Guns had a post, Dan Zwonitzer Has a Big "But". Post is as follows;
Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, R-Cheyenne, said he owns guns and enjoys shooting. However, he said Wyoming is among the top states in the country in terms of gun-related deaths by population and said the state doesn't need legislation to encourage more people to carry guns.
Zwonitzer quoted the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states in part that a "well-regulated militia" is necessary to the security of a free state. He said he wouldn't have a problem with the bill if it specified that members of the Wyoming National Guard have a right to carry weapons.Zwonitzer was rated "?" by NRA in the 2004 election cycle:
Failed to answer NRA-PVF candidate questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners’ and sportsmen’s rights.
Ignorant and arrogant. How typical of those who seek power over others. You folks in Wyoming can get a LOT better servant than this upstart, who seems to think it's his place to tell you what to do...
One of David's readers responded with; "The good (?) Rep. Zwonitzer is just another one of those "collective rights" moonbats! Let's hope the people of Wyoming vote him out, but quick!"
At this point I felt obliged to throw in my two cents worth; "Zwonitzer obviously hasn't read the Federalist Papers, (like most of those clowns in Washington). They are the originators of the 'Only Ones', aren't they, David?" (You'll have to visit The War on Guns to find out more on the 'Only Ones').
Upon returning to the post a few days later, much to my surprise, there was a response from Rep, Zwonitzer;
"I've been called a lot of things, but never a "moonbat". I have in fact read the Federalist papers, at least three times. When the heck did you guys start actually believing and relying on the Press for your information? Also, I mailed in my NRA form, and it was lost somewhere along the way. I called the NRA multiple times, recieved no help in obtaining another copy, and was bounced around the country, until I was finally told it was too late to turn in my form. Maybe you should contact legislators and get their actual viewpoint..."
I must admit, I was somewhat shocked and in awe, as I had no idea that public servants actually cared what We The People thought, wrote or said. I remember thinking, now, that is a guy who must actually care!
Anyways, David, never being one to let a golden opportunity such as this get away. Promptly posted titled "Here's Hoping I Apologize, An Open Response and Invitation" which went as follows;
Dear Rep. Zwonitzer,
I was delighted to see your reply to my post regarding an Associated Press story that reported:
Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, R-Cheyenne, said he owns guns and enjoys shooting. However, he said Wyoming is among the top states in the country in terms of gun-related deaths by population and said the state doesn't need legislation to encourage more people to carry guns.Zwonitzer quoted the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states in part that a "well-regulated militia" is necessary to the security of a free state. He said he wouldn't have a problem with the bill if it specified that members of the Wyoming National Guard have a right to carry weapons.I further reported that you were rated as an unknown by NRA-PVF for failure to answer your candidate questionnaire.Your response indicates you have been unfairly portrayed.
I've been called a lot of things, but never a "moonbat".
I have in fact read the Federalist papers, at least three times.
When the heck did you guys start actually believing and relying on the Press for your information?
Also, I mailed in my NRA form, and it was lost somewhere along the way. I called the NRA multiple times, recieved no help in obtaining another copy, and was bounced around the country, until I was finally told it was too late to turn in my form.
Maybe you should contact legislators and get their actual viewpoint...
That seems fair--and I trust you have also contacted the AP and NRA to correct the record. Will you share with us what you did say that reporter Ben Neary apparently so horribly misconstrued? Do you oppose permitless concealed carry as was reported?
Rep. Zwonitzer, I've been searching for political representatives I can trust to champion my rights for many years now, with very little success. You have no idea how much I would love to be able to apologize to you, to tell people I misjudged you, to ask your forgiveness, and to endorse and financially contribute to your political career. Will you give me that chance?
You challenged us to contact you for your views, so that's what I'm doing. The following is a questionnaire I put together a while back designed to identify a political candidate's position regarding the Second Amendment. Can I count on you to give specific and unequivocal answers for each question?
1. Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land," that the Bill of Rights acknowledges the birthrights of all Americans, and that the Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms from being infringed?
2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state? How?
3. Who are the Constitutional militia?
4. Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider do not infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Please share as many as you can think of.
5. Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider unconstitutional.
6. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?
7. Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry weapons of military pattern?
8. Do you support or oppose registration of weapons? Why?
9. Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why?
10. What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed?
11. If elected, will you back your words of support for firearms rights up with consistent actions? How?
13. If brief clarification is requested for any of your answers, will you provide it?
Rep. Zwonitzer, I sincerely hope to be converted to a supporter.
Best wishes,
David Codrea
Now, at this point, I remember thinking, yeah right. He'll never come back for that! If that was, indeed, Rep. Zwonitzer actually replying.
However, never one to pass up an opportunity myself. I decided to express my opinion fully to Rep. Zwonitzer, just in case it really was him. Full essay follows;
E. David Quammen said...
Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, "Maybe you should contact legislators and get their actual viewpoint..."
Gun related deaths have NOTHING whatsoever to do with NEGATING a RIGHT! The point is that The Right to Keep and Bear Arms SHALL NOT be INFRINGED! Rep. Zwonitzer, WITNESS a statement made by the illustrious MR. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, JR.;
"...Again, a large part of the advantages enjoyed by one who has a RIGHT are NOT created by the law. The law does NOT enable me to USE or ABUSE this book which lies before me. That is a physical power which I have WITHOUT the aid of the law. What the law does is simply to PREVENT OTHER men to a greater or less extent from INTERFEREING with my USE or ABUSE. And this analysis and example APPLY to the case of POSSESSION, as well as to OWNERSHIP."
"Such being the DIRECT WORKING OF THE LAW IN THE CASE OF POSSESSION, one would think that the animus or intent most nearly parallel to its movement would be the intent of which we are in search. If what the law does is to EXCLUDE OTHERS FROM INTERFERING WITH THE OBJECT, it would seem that the intent which the law should require is an INTENT TO EXCLUDE OTHERS. I BELIEVE THAT SUCH AN INTENT IS ALL THAT COMMON LAW DEEMS NEEDFUL, and THAT ON PRINCIPLE NO MORE SHOULD BE REQUIRED." - The Common Law, Lecture VI, PARA. 27 Sentences 9-13
Am writing this in the hopes that Rep. Zwonitzer will read it and perhaps share it with his fellow representatives. You stated that you have read the Federalist Papers, at least three times. That is impressive and shows an actual desire to attempt to discover what our Founders Truly Intended for our form of government. Question for you, sir. Why has not the principles in the Federalist Papers then been applied? The Federalist was, after all, the means employed to 'sell' the idea of the new 'Constituted Federal Republic', was it not? Can it not be construed as being part and parcel of the Contract, (Constitution), between the government and the People? Why are states allowed to pass laws that are blatantly against the Constitution of The United States of America? Which is in plain disregard of the ideals found in the Federalist Papers and in the body of the Constitution as well. Why has The Supreme Court of The United States of America been allowed to shirk their DUTY and not enforced the precepts contained in the Federalist Papers?
Sir, I graduated High School, almost 10 years after I had walked away from it, by taking a G.E.D. course. And this because I knew that public institutions are NOT practising or teaching, for that matter, the REAL essentials that are necessary to a good life. Many of the institutions, of supposed higher learning, are actually subversive of our Founding Principles! Have read books avidly for most of my life. And, did not attend college. Yet in my course of studies, concerning the Federalist Papers, I was easily able to determine the EXACT meaning and INTENT of the Framers. If you so desire, I can directly point out where ALL forms of 'Gun Control' are BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, whether on the Federal or State levels. I have devoted THOUSANDS of hours to study and research The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms. And I can back the claims I've made, sir, WITH INDISPUTABLE FACT! I can readily show how the states AND Federal governments are OPERATING OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS OF THE CONSTITUTION! If your TRUE interest is to do your job RIGHTLY, as was INTENDED by the Framers. Then contact me and I can readily summarize THE INTENDED WAY for you! In FACT, go here and READ the RESEARCH; All crucial information is linked on the opening page. My conviction is so strong on this issue. That I have ENTIRELY devoted the last six months of my life to ensuring the information gets out.
My whole life, I've had the lurking, creepy feeling that something was just not quite right in our Country. I had read the Constitution, Bill of Rights and various other documents of Freedom. And, all that those documents informed me of was just how far and away our Nation was from those chosen ideals. And this, after almost 200 years, (at the time this first occured to me), of being set in motion. Had written about it earlier in my life, but came to the conclusion that my efforts were wasted. That nobody cared, and all that anybody really wanted was to see how fast they could get rich. That conclusion changed a little prior to the horrible event(s) of 9/11. It began to dawn on me just how sick and twisted our once great Nation had become. And I realized, that as a citizen and as a believer in Jesus Christ, that it was my DUTY to try and effect much needed change.
It is my firm CONVICTION, that if we do not change the present course this country is on. We will lose EVERYTHING that was fought so hard for! We are a mere shadow of what we should be in this country! The fault lies with the government AND the People. If we truly value Freedom, it would be wise for US ALL to return to following The Founding Principles of our Country! The Framers are not antiquated 'old fogies'. The methods they employed in determining the best mode of operation for our nation were well thought out and studied. They used historical data, psychological, moral and Spiritual reasoning. And their plan was NEVER given an honest trial! The perversion started almost immediately. It is up to us, if we value the Principles of Truth, to ensure those Principles are employed fully.
And then, A MIRACLE! It really was Rep. Zwonitzer! Now, my hopes were starting to soar! There is a politician that actually cares! And he responded to David's questionnaire;
Rep. Dan Zwonitzer said...
Thank you David for your invitation. While you may not fully agree with all of my responses, I appreciate the healthy difference of views that helps shape public policy for all citizens. (Now, that is strange, for I was under the impression that we were a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representation. And that 'public policy' was part of a democracy, which the Framers expressly abhorred), In response:
Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land," that the Bill of Rights acknowledges the birthrights of all Americans, and that the Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms from being infringed?
Yes. (Victory! We FOUND A WINNER!)
2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state? How?
I’m unsure as how government is proactive in protecting a “right”? Are you speaking of all 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights, or specifically the Second? Government, at all levels, has had the responsibility of further interpreting those rights as society progresses, but it also has the responsibility of not infringing on those rights(the First 10 Amendments). (Ah, oh, we may have a problem here!)
3. Who are the Constitutional militia?
Without going into American History, I would regard the word militia in constitutional times to mean any able-bodied citizen (even if at this time it was only men) who could take up arms in defense of their country if so needed and so called upon. (Well, maybe....)
4. Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider do not infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Please share as many as you can think of.
Working as an auctioneer and seller of firearms, I am generally in favor of the standard Federal Firearms licensing to know who is buying a selling a commodity. I do not believe this infringes on the right to keep and bear arms. (I'll just leave THAT ONE alone).
5. Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider unconstitutional.
As a lawmaker, we work under the assumption that nothing is unconstitutional until a court says it is. I do not believe there are any current unconstitutional laws. (Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)
6. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?
I am unsure what the word “peaceable” mean? People can go from peaceable to drunk and agitated very quickly. I’m unsure if the Framers of the Constitution fully realized the impact of handguns, and concealed deadly weapons in the late 1700’s. They were generally carrying around muskets. I believe in the freedom to walk anywhere with a rifle strapped on your back. However, there are now laws that prevent you from doing that in banks, et. al. I do not believe it is implied in the second amendment that there is a right to carry a concealed deadly weapon, except in times of war, conflict or threat to our national security. I support allowing carry of them by acquiring a permit to record who is in possession, but do not favor restrictions placed on the permitting requirement. (Double-speak, personal opinion, coupled with evasion... and Houston, we got a problem).
7. Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry weapons of military pattern?
Own, yes. I am unsure as to why anyone would be using or carrying these weapons? For hunting purposes, I do not think they’re needed. If you’re carrying a military pattern weapon around town, you’re going to scare people, but I see no concern with owning one in your private collection. (Real or imagined Fear takes precedence over a Right? Game over).
8. Do you support or oppose registration of weapons? Why?
Generally oppose. (Possible redemption, but not enough to return to my seat).
9. Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why?
Support the act of recording who are buying firearms, which generally would apply to carrying as well. Once again, I am in favor of a recording system, but not necessarily a strict licensing system. (Honey, do you remember where we parked the truck?)
10. What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed?
None at this time. (Honey! Hurry! We have to beat the crowd to the parking lot!)
11. If elected, will you back your words of support for firearms rights up with consistent actions? How?
13. If brief clarification is requested for any of your answers, will you provide it?
Sure, if it’s brief. I have no desire to get into a debate on this forum. My email is The Newspaper took one small sample of my comments and decided to put them into print. I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your questions. (You won't appreciate it for long, I bet!)
So, my fellow citizens, as you can see we have some definate technical difficulties with our 'supposed' representatives, (like that's a real news flash). If this is what we have representing us, we are in a lot more trouble than what I had thought!
I am used to that drivel in Michigan... I had stereotyped Wyoming as a much more "real" place with patriotic and good representation. I based this not only on hunting visits out there, but on material I've read over the years.
Guess I was wrong. At least, if this guy is typical.
What particularly scared me was the answer to this question - Please give some examples of gun control laws you consider unconstitutional.
"As a lawmaker, we work under the assumption that nothing is unconstitutional until a court says it is."
Now, I am not a state representative, but it seems to me that one really doesn't need the help of a court to define what is constitutional - in fact, judicial activism is one of the major problems in recent American history. (Sure, there are legitimate gray areas with some legislation that needs review from a separate branch of the government, as intended by our Founders', but I think we eliminate that as what Rep. Zwonitzer was referring to.)
I believe someone with the responsibility of representation certainly must have the intellectual ability to discern what is/is not constitutional without the assistance of a court - otherwise that representative is wasting valuable time and assets from the judicial branch.
Bigtime Jay! This guy just simply amazed me with his lack of real understanding.
Cheyenne is where all progressive moonbats in WY hangout ... the rich moonbats are all in Jacksons Hole.
How deep is Jacksons Hole? And is there means available to put all the 'moonbats' in the hole and cage them in or cover them up?
Huge problem with number 7!!!!!
The question does not ask about hunting.
Another one with a 2A is all about hunting attitude, and you don't need that to hunt with. (Since most bolt actions are descendents of military arms, well you do the math....)
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