Friday, November 01, 2013

"Boys Carry Firearms . . . The Law Can't Stop Them..."


They May Buy Pistols if They've
Got the Required Price.


That's the Conclusion Reached in In-
vestigating the Recent Case of
Young Quinlan, Who Recently
Shot Himself.

   Numerous complaints have been heard of late of pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers selling guns and pistols to boys, and it is said an effort will be made to put a stop to the practice.

   Yesterday the relatives of John Quinlan, the boy who shot himself in the leg in the rear of Hennessy's store. one day last week, were the most recent complainants. They called on Chief of Police Mulholland yesterday and asked for the arrest of a West Broadway second-hand dealer for selling the boy the gun. He could do nothing, as there is no ordinance governing the case, and referred the boy's relatives to the county attorney, but it was found there also that no statute existed under which a prosecution could be had. It is said a recommendation will be made to the city council that an ordinance prohibiting the sale of firearms be passed.

   It appears that young Quinlan bought a small pistol of the second-hand dealer, paying 50 cents for it. A boy who was with him forged an order with which they purchased cartridges, but the gun wouldn't work and while trying to find what was the matter the gun was discharged, the bullet entering the right thigh. The parents were afraid yesterday that amputation would be necessary, but Dr. Wells, to whom the lad was taken, states that there is no immediate danger of losing the leg.

   It is said young Quinlan is one of a gang of tough boys who would like to be very bad, at least it was so stated by three youngsters who were taken before the county attorney during the day by Police Officer Teague. They were Ed Lowney, aged 14: John Donovan, aged 12,. and John Cotter, aged 9. and they said young Quinlan was another of the hand. They were accused of having held up a Chinaman a few night ago and taking a basket of clothes from him. The boys admitted the holdup, but said they did it for fun. Nothing was done in the matter except coming to a decision to take some steps toward preventing the sale of firearms to boys.

[The Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, Sunday Morning, January 9, 1898. Vol. IX.--No. 128. Pg. 6]

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