Thursday, September 17, 2020

Treasonous Facebook will not permit the following PRO-SLAVERY 1856 DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLATFORM to be posted


1856 Democratic Party Platform 


June 02, 1856

" . . . Resolved, That we reiterate with renewed energy of purpose the well considered declarations of former Conventions upon the sectional issue of Domestic SLAVERY, and concerning the reserved rights of the States.

"1. That Congress has no power under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution; that all efforts of the abolitionists, or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of SLAVERY, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions.

"2. That the foregoing proposition covers, and was intended to embrace the whole subject of SLAVERY agitation in Congress; and therefore, the Democratic party of the Union, standing on this national platform, will abide by and adhere to a faithful execution of the acts known as the compromise measures, settled by the Congress of 1850; "the act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor," included; which act being designed to carry out an express provision of the Constitution, cannot, with fidelity thereto, be repealed, or so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency.

"3. That the Democratic party will resist all attempts at renewing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the SLAVERY question under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made. . . ."

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