"256. Amendments I.--X.--These Amendments were proposed by Congress September 25, 1789, and having received the requisite ratifications, were proclaimed to be in force December 15, 1791. Together they constitute a bill of rights. They are intended to protect the citizen against undue interference by the National authority. Thus, they guarantee freedom of worship, of speech, of the press, the right of petition, the right to bear arms, immunity of the citizen against the army, the right to be secure in person, home, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches by public officers, and other personal and civil rights. Criminal trials are regulated, jury trial in civil cases guaranteed, excessive bail forbidden, and the doctrine of delegated authority, as respects the Constitution, affirmed. [Pg. 141]
"625. Right to Bear Arms.--Despotic rulers have generally been unfriendly to a citizen soldiery, rather preferring to rely upon regular troops. The friends of liberty, on the other hand, have commonly been unfriendly to large standing armies, and finally to a citizen soldiery. One of the charges made against the King in the Declaration of Independence was, that he had quartered large bodies of armed troops among the people. To deny the people the right bearing arms or even of having them in their possession, is one of the steps commonly taken by rulers seeking to establish or maintain arbitrary government. This Article throws the safeguard of the Constitution around the militia of the States. [Pgs. 353-54]
"663. Limitations of the State Governments.--As stated in Chapter XII, the State governments possess inherent powers; the Federal Government, delegated powers. It must also be borne in mind that the American people did four things when they ordained the National Constitution: Delegated certain powers of government to the Union; Prohibited certain powers to the Union; Prohibited certain powers to the States; Reserved all powers that they had not delegated to the Union, or prohibited to the States, to the States, or the people,--thus making the States their residuary legatees. Still it must not be supposed that the State governments possess or exercise all the reserved powers. The reservation is made to the people of the States, not to the State governments; and the people, in the State constitutions, deny such reserved powers
to their State governments as they see fit. From the first, the people have withheld powers from the governments that they have constituted, and in later years they have withheld more such powers than formerly. Thus, the States might establish State churches, deny to citizens the right of petition, or the right to bear arms, and unduly limit, or even deny the right of trial by jury; but the State constitutions carefully guard these points and many more besides. For example, the Pennsylvania bill of rights closes with this declaration: "To guard against transgression of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate." [Pgs. 374-75]
[THE American Government National and State Second Revised Edition BY B.A. HINSDALE, Ph.D., LL.D. PROFESSOR OF THE SCIENCE AND THE ART OF TEACHING IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN; AUTHOR OF "THE OLD NORTHWEST," "SCHOOLS AND STUDIES," "How TO TEACH AND STUDY HISTORY," ETC., AND EDITOR OF THE "WORKS OF JAMES ABRAM GARFIELD" CHICAGO NEW YORK WERNER SCHOOL BOOK COMPANY. [1891] (Burke Aaron Hinsdale, (1837 – 1900), was a professor of education at the University of Michigan and president of Hiram College.In 1869, Hinsdale received an appointment at Hiram College, (the Eclectic Institute had achieved collegiate status in 1867), as professor of philosophy, English literature and political science. He became president of the institution a year later. Hinsdale served as a lecturer, administrator and preacher from 1870 to the end of his presidency in 1882. He was the author of a substantial amount of articles and books in the field of education. Hinsdale became superintendent of the Cleveland public Schools in 1882. In 1888, after taking some time out to write, he was appointed Professor of Science and Art of Teaching at the University of Michigan. During his professorship, he continued to write about methods of education.)
"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed." _________________________________________________________________________ "The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them." --Thomas Jefferson _________________________________________________________________________ Shredding the lies one slice at a time....

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