Monday, May 27, 2013

"to take care to have sufficient arms and ammunition in good order"

   "Wise regulations were likewise made to prevent surprises by the Indians; every house was to be fortified with palisadoes; no man should go or send abroad without a party sufficiently armed, or to work without their arms, with a centinel over them; the inhabitants were forbidden to go aboard ships or elsewhere in such numbers as to endanger the safety their plantations; every planter was to take care to have sufficient arms and ammunition in good order; watch was to be kept by night; and no was to suffer powder to be expended in amusement or entertainments. To promote corn-planting, and ensure plenty of provision, no limit was to its price; viewers were appointed to see that every man planted a sufficiency for his family, and all trade with the savages for corn was prohibited."- Feb. 20, 1624. [Pg. 574]

"...The citizens of Fredericksburg offered assistance to the town of Williamsburg, which was deemed in danger from the governor, and Patrick Henry marched at the head of a company Hanover volunteers and forced the king's treasurer to make just compensation for the powder. The governor called a council which advised him to issue a proclamation calling the people to their duty, which he accordingly did, but with an effect so little beneficial to himself, that feeling no longer safe he sent for marines to protect him in his palace, and Captain Montague threatened to fire upon York if the detachment was interrupted. This threat excited in a still greater degree the animosity of the people, whose open and bitter denunciations so alarmed the governor as to make him again have recourse to his council, which advised recourse to an assembly to appease and alleviate the excited wrath of the citizens.

  "The meeting of this assembly at once proclaimed that all confidence between the governor and people was gone, many met in arms, they feared the solemn sanctity of their character would not be respected, and they depended for protection upon their individual prowess. It was a humiliating and exciting spectacle for the people. The governor was alarmed and fled by night to a British ship, and refused upon invitation of the Assembly to return to his palace, or to sign bills presented to him, of the utmost importance to the colony, and refused to perform this branch of his duty unless the assembly would come and hold their meetings under the guns of his ship." [Pg. 623]  
[A New and Comprehensive GAZETTEER OF VIRGINIA. PRELIMINARIES. By William Henry Brockenbrough, 1835. Pg. 574]

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