Saturday, June 15, 2013

"It is the only government in the world that dares to put arms freely into the hands of all its citizens."

   "There is no where so much public spirit in the body of the people as in the United States. Daily exercised in judging of public measures, and taught to consider themselves as members of the common wealth, they feel a personal interest in the fortunes of their country. They are proud of her glory, and jealous of her honor, in a degree sometimes offensive to foreigners. Though parties are loud and violent in their contests, these are but the wholesome exercises of free and generous spirits in the field of honorable ambition. The people at large are proud of the government, because it is a monument of their superiority to other nations. They are attached to it, because, by its composition, its conduct and views are always in harmony with their opinions and interests. They feel its influence more by the protection it gives than by the burdens it imposes. All its offices are open to their ambition; and neither birth, profession, nor any form of religious belief, is a bar to their hopes. Doubtless the government of the United States is not exempt from the errors and imperfections that adhere to all human institutions. But compare its public conduct with that of the old governments of Europe. How calm and reasonable is its language, always addressing itself to the understanding and the solid interests of the people, never to their passions or prejudices! It seeks no aid from superstition, supports no gainful impostures, and uses none of that disgusting cant with which the old governments of Europe varnish over the degradation of the people. It is a stranger to state craft and mystery. All its acts are done in the face of day. It promotes knowledge, religion, and learning, without the preference of particular sects, and without debasing them by falsehoods beneficial to the ruling powers. It is the only government in the world that dares to put arms freely into the hands of all its citizens. From Maine to Mississippi, it commands a prompt and ready obedience, without any other weapon than a constable's staff. In a word, it secures property, satisfies opinion, promotes the development of industry and talent, with a rapidity hitherto unexampled; and, with the smallest sacrifice of individual rights and property on the part of the people, it accomplishes all that the most expensive and powerful governments pretend to."--A GENERAL VIEW UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING THE CONSTITUTION. THE TARIFF OF DUTIES. THE LAWS OF PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS. &c. &c. &c. LONDON: O. RICH, 12, RED LION SQUARE. 1833. 

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