Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"a few local leaders of the constitutional Democratic party, already compromised by their co-operation with the Communists."

Communist Rule
Waning Fast. Say
Siberian Cables

Messages From Vladivostok
to the American-Russian
Chamber Here Says Pria-
mur Government Grows

   Cablegrams from Vladivostok received by the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, with offices in the Woolworth Building, say that the Communist forces are weakening and that only a lack of financial backing prevents the population from overthrowing the Soviet government, it was announced yesterday. The cablegram are signed by Vladimir Kolesnikoff Prime and Foreign Minister Priamur government. The cablegrams read:

   "In spite of unfavorable francial conditions and attempts of Communists to interfere with the Priamur government work by means of strikes and propaganda, the Priamur government continues to take measures for the re-establishment of normal conditions of law and order. The Priamur government, re-established independent courts, abolished all restrictions pertaining to the possession of private property and presented to the National Assembly a project of election law for members of the Constituent Assembly, which will be invested with power to establish a temporary government until the restoration of all Russian power.

   "Ninety per cent of the population supports the Priamur government. A big majority of the rural population is anti-communistic, but is disarmed and terrified by Communists and partisans. In general, in spite of communist propaganda, the position of the Priamur government becomes stronger every day. The general strike proposed by the Bolsheviki failed, as 80 per cent of the laborers refused to support it. From Amur and the Trans-Baikal district have arrived petitions for help. If prompt financial support is rendered the population will immediately overthrow the Communist power.

   "Complete unification of national groups has been reached, as some of the national political groups which differed with the general national movement with regard to non-recognition of Ataman Semenoff as commander in chief and supreme ruler of the territory of the Priamur government, have now joined the Priamur government, while former so-called Seminoff troops recognized the authority of the Priamur government. Thus all national anti-communist forces are now headed by the Priamur government and the few groups still hostile to the national movement consist of the local Communist party, which grows more and more disorganized, and of a score of social revolutionaries who preach ideas of agreement with Communists and of a few local leaders of the constitutional Democratic party, already compromised by their co-operation with the Communists."

[New-York Tribune, Monday, September 26, 1921. Vol. LXXXI No. 27,343 Pg. 3]
   You just can't make up this kind of stuff....

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