Sunday, October 27, 2013

An historical example of how the Democrat party seizes 'control'....


North Carolina Whites Take
Summary Vengeance.


The Major, Board of Aldermen and
Chief of Police Resign--The Record
Newspaper Office Wrecked and the
Building Fired--Military on the
Scene--White Men Arriving From
Other Towns--Blacks Forced to
Run for Their Lives--Exiled From
the City--Negro Policemen Fail to
Report for Duty--The Situation In
Temporarily Quiet.

   Wilmington. N.C., Nov. 10.--Today has been one of terror in Wilmington. The white men have taken the law in their own hands and wreaked vengeance. The office of the negro newspaper, the Record, was burned, and after this the negroes showed a disposition to create trouble. They began to gather in one of the thickly populated sections of the city and ussumed a threatening attitude towards the whites.

   One mob fired upon a small number of white men, seriously wounding one and slightly injuring two others. The whites returned the fire, killing four negroes. The white man seriously wounded is a young man named Mayo. After being wounded; he shot two of his assailants and then dropped to the ground in a dead faint. An ambulance was summoned and he was remoted to a hospital, where he now lies at death's door.

   As soon as the news of the shooting became known, the whites, utterly beyond the control of their leaders, rushed in large numbers to the scene and engaged the negroes, killing four more.
The Military on the Scene.

   One military company and a division of the naval reserves, carrying with them two rapid-fire guns, also repaired to the scene, where they are on guard tonight.

   In the meantime, the body of whites had instituted a diligent search for the leader of the mob that started the riot and who shot young Mayo. The negro was finally found secreted in a house. He was taken out and told to run for his life. He started off but only advanced a few yards before his body was riddled with bullets.

   Next a negro named Tom Miller and a white man, both of whom had taken a prominent part in arousing the negroes, were placed in Jail. Five other negroes were also imprisoned and several banished from the city.

   Up to this hour sixteen negroes have been reported killed and a number wounded. Eighty-six armed white men arrived this afternoon from Fayettevllle, a town eighty-three miles from this place. Military companies under orders from the adjutant general of the State are expected from Maxton, Clinton, Franklin, and Kingston.

Mayor and Aldermen Resign.

   The Republican and Populist aldermen and the mayor resigned this afternoon and their places were filled by white men. A.M. Waddell, [Democrat] a former congressman, was elected mayor. The chief of police also resigned.

   The new board of aldermen instructed the mayor, in view of the turbulent state of affairs existing in this community; to swear in three hundred extra policemen.
All are white.

   The negro policemen who are attached to the force under the old regime failed to report for duty tonight.

   A prominent white Republican, who has been an energetic negro leader, was given peremptory notice to leave the city, which he did, after promising never to return.

   At this time the situation is quiet, but how long is will remain so is merely a matter of conjecture.
Many Firearms Captured.

   A large number of firearms was captured today from the negroes.

   The committee of twenty-five men, representing the mass meeting of white citizens and appointed to execute the provisions of the resolutions adopted yesterday, which demanded the departure of Editor Manly from the city and the removal of the Record plant, was to have a definite answer to their demands from representative negroes at 7 a.m. today. Chairman A.M. Waddell was to report the answer to the white citizens in front of the Wilmington Light Infantry armory at 8 o'clock.
No Answer Received.

   At the appointed hour more than 500 determined white citizens, including merchants, lawyers, preachers and doctors, all well armed, gathered at the armory. Col. Waddell [DEMOCRAT] reported that he had received no answer from the negroes. The crowd waited at the armory until almost 9 o'clock, hoping that an answer complying with their demands would be received, but none came.

   The men then formed In line, four abreast, and started on the march to the Record office, in a thickly populated negro settlement. As the long column of armed men approached the vicinity many negroes--men, women and children--were seen fleeing.

   When the column reached the building, a two-story frame structure, the men were halted and several advanced to the door. It was locked. A few blows forced it open, and about twenty citizens entered and within a very few minutes the whole plant was wrecked and the broken pieces pitched into the street. The windows of the house were broken out. As the fragments were tossed into the street shouts went up.
An Outburst of Cheers.

   It was when a long sign, "The Record Publication. Company," was cast into the street that the greatest outburst of cheers went up. A beaver hat was thrown out and quickly torn in pieces, as was a crayon likeness of Editor Manly.

   When the wrecking was about complete it became evident that the building was on fire. Smoke was rising out of the upper windows. There were shouts of indignation and commands to extinguish the flames. But the fire spread quickly, so that the fire department had to be called out. As the engines and hose reels dashed upon the scene, several rounds were fired by the men who were lined up for more than two squares either way.
Building Wrecked by Fire.

   The department quickly had the fire under control, but not before the building was a total wreck. They did, however, prevent the spread of the flames to adjacent buildings. Conservative men very much regret the fire, not only because it was entirely unnecessary, but endangered a great deal of other property, as well.

   Close on one side of the building was St. Stephen's Church, the largest and handsomest negro church in the city. On the other side, with only three or four small cottages joined close together, between it and the burning building, is Ruth Hall, a large and well equipped hall used by negroes. As soon as it was apparent that the fire was under control, the people left the scene and dispersed through the city, many of them going on guard duty on the various blocks.
Negroes Hasten to the Scene.

   All was quiet until wild rumors were carried to the negroes. More than five hundred were at work in the cotton compress. They were told that "their homes were being burned, etc. They rushed, pell-mell from their work. However, by the heroic efforts of the Messrs. James and W.H. Sprunt, the great majority were stopped.

   About the time they were gotten under control news came from the First ward, over the railroad, that a riot was in progress there. Large numbers of armed men boarded the street cars, or went on foot to the scene at the corner of Fourth and Harnett Streets.
Fully Twenty Wounded.

   This was about 11:30 o'clock. When they reached the scene four negroes had already been killed and fully twenty wounded. One young white man, William Mayo, was seriously wounded.

   What gave rise to the trouble was that white guards on duty on the corner of Fourth and Harnett Streets had halted a number of negroes.

   All save one heeded the advice of the guards to disperse. He turned as though to move away, but suddenly wheeled about and fired at a squad of guards. Several rifle balls went through his body, killing him instantly. The ball fired by the negro took effect in Piner's arm.

   Negroes in sight quickly darted around corners and in a few minutes one of them raised from behind a fence and fired, seriously wounding William Yonkers, who was here to vote and would have returned heme in a few days.
Another Deadly Volley.

   The negro was captured. He was in his own yard and two Winchesters were found in his house. Within ten minutes he was shot to death. A large mob of negroes assembled about a square away, and, re-enforcements for the whites having arrived, a volley was fired upon them, killing four and wounding others. The negroes quickly retreated.

   The Wilmington Light Infantry and the naval reserves were called out and rapid-fire gun and Hotchkiss one-pounder were also hurriedly carried to the scene. A mob of several hundred negroes was gathered on Ninth Street, corner of Nixon, but as the military advanced the negroes fell back and rapidly scampered.
The Military Fire.

   When near Sixth and Nixon a shot was fired into the naval reserves from a negro's house. A volley of bullets was fired by the military through doors and windows, killing one negro. Six more inmates were captured and escorted to Jail. The house was demolished.

   With the exception of two or three casualties in remote portions of the city, this ended the really riotous scenes of the day.

   The news of the conflict spread quickly to neighboring cities and large bodies of men arrived during the afternoon from Fayetteville and near-by towns. All sections of the city inhabited by white people are closely guarded tonight.
[The Times, Washington, [D.C.] November 11, 1898. Number 1668. Pg. 1]

   Has ANYTHING really changed in the 'Democrat' party? It is my well-founded contention that NOTHING has changed about how that historically corrupt party operates. Except for perhaps, the levels of depravity employed by them. And there are ample examples which prove my contention beyond all shadow of doubt. Such as; the Civil Rights strife all the way up from 1865 into the 1970's. And one of the more recent stark examples of the Branch Davidians at Waco. Which NEVER should have occurred in the first place. Which leads one to conclude that the present 'leader' of the 'democrat' party. Is nothing more than a willing Uncle Tom being manipulated like a puppet on the strings of his masters.

    The related article that preceded this one is of interest as well: "In fact, all dealers report every gun and pistol in their establishments sold...."

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