Monday, October 28, 2013

"including high powered rifles and machine guns . . . the Governor said the state would take no action, as there is no law against importation of firearms..."

Miners Arming
For Strike War
in W. Virginia

State Police Learn Large
Quantities of Rifles and
Machine Guns Have Been
Sent From Cincinnati

Militia Ready to Act

Life and Death Battle Is
Expected if Coal Men
Go Out on April 1

Special Dispatch to The Tribune

   CHARLESTON, W, Va., March 16.--Firearms in large quantities, including high powered rifles and machine guns, are being shipped into the Kanawha coal region in expectation of trouble if the coal mines shut down on April 1, Colonel Jackson Arnold, Superintendent of State Police, learned to-day. Following receipt of this information Colonel Arnold went into conference with Governor Morgan. Later the Governor said the state would take no action, as there is no law against importation of firearms.

   The state police chief said he received his information from numerous coal operators in the area surrounding Charleston and adjoining counties. An investigation, he added, revealed the information was true and that shipments of firearms and ammunition were received from Cincinnati.

   Colonel Arnold said his organization Would seize the firearms whenever there is any development to warrant a search of private property. He added that the headquarter's detachment of police police would be reinforced by troopers stationed at various points in northern West Virginia and that forces would be prepared for an emergency.

   Meanwhile John H. Charnock, Adjutant General, said companies of the National Guard at Logan, Charleston, Mount Hope, St. Albans, Welch and Williamson were ready for action and would be called to duty if trouble developed.

   Recent indications, coal operators say, point to a "life and death" battle when the present union contract expires and the operators' proposal is placed before the miners as individuals.

   The Kanawha Coal Operators' Association met in executive session to-day and reiterated its former action in opposing a continuation of the check-off and closed shop. Further consideration of a new wage scale was postponed until March 7 by the board of directors. The association will meet March 9 to hear the board's report.

   It was the sentiment of the operators that they were placed in the position of framing a fair wage scale because their invitation to the United-Mine Workers to meet in a joint conference had been rejected. It was indicated both sides are determined to carry out their demands.

[New-York Tribune, Friday, March 17, 1922. Vol. LXXXI No. 27,515 Pg. 4]
   Well now, "including high powered rifles and machine guns" you say? REALLY? And then the governor states; "the state would take no action, as there is no law against importation of firearms." REALLY, governor? Can somebody tell me WHAT has changed? Oh yeah, our perverse tyrannical federal government VIOLATED WE THE PEOPLE'S CONSTITUTIONALLY SECURED RIGHT.

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