Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"issued a proclamation prohibiting the use of explosives and firearms within the city limits"


Covered With Leaves

Placed on Street Railway
Track by Strikers.

Leaders of Mob Have
Been Arrested.e

St, Louis' Council Will Take
Action Today

Relative to Repeal of Franchise--
The Situation.

   St. Louis, June 12.-(Spl.)-The impaneling of a coroner's jury to hold an inquest on the victims of Sunday's riots began this morning. Statements by witnesses are expected to be as conflicting as those of Sunday evening and difficulty In reaching a verdict, which will fix the exact responsibility for the affair, is anticipated.

   Investigation by the police disclosed the fact that besides the victims already enumerated Nicholas Roman was shot while the riot was in progress He is a striking motorman. One shot struck him in the light arm near the shoulder and the other passed through his right thumb. Roman insists that he was not participating in the riot.

   In the city council this afternoon the Kelley ordinance for the repeal of the Transit company's franchise will come up for final disposition. There Was no disorder of any kind last night.

   Mayor Seiegenheim has issued a proclamation prohibiting the use of explosives and firearms within the city limits, as well as the gathering of crowds on the streets. Especial warning is given to minors to be off the streets at 9 o'clock at night under penalty of arrest. At a mass meeting of strikers and sympathizers at the West End Coliseum last night the action of the posse in shooting the strikers in Sunday's riot was denounced. A committee of ten was appointed to prosecute the men who did the shooting.

   Three sticks of dynamite covered by cabbage leaves were found on the car tracks at 20th and Clark ave., just before the last car ran into the barn last night.

   Henry Fitch and John Michael are under arrest charged with having been the leaders or the mob which disrobed Annie Hearing on the street for riding on a Transit ear. Both men were positively identified. Miss Hearing at the time of the assault gave her name as Christine Thierre to spare her family's feelings.

[Akron Daily Democrat, Akron, Ohio, Tuesday Evening, June 12, 1900. Volume Nine. Number 45 Pg. 1]

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